
Showing posts from March, 2012

6 Reasons Why You Should Never Retire

The Happiest People Threats to retirement security are everywhere. The list is topped by the recession-fueled impact on retirement confidence: People haven't set aside nearly enough money to fund their retirements. Next on the list is the regular drumbeat from critics that the Social Security system is running out of money and won't be able to honor its current promises to people nearing retirement. Perhaps the third stake in the heart of retirement is that people are living longer and longer, raising legitimate fears they will outlive their money. All well and good, perhaps. But these concerns have obscured the compelling arguments against ever retiring, except for physical reasons. The short list of reasons never to retire include: 1. There is no physical reason to retire. 2. Continued work can support healthy aging, including better physical and mental health. 3. Well-being and happiness are boosted when people are engaged in challenging and meaningful activities. Work is a

Meditation Books Will Help You to Clean Up the Mess Which Is In Your Mind

by The National Archives UK Article by Lily Candice Books have for long been known as the repository of knowledge. This knowledge which has been acquired over many years of study and practice by professionals and experts in their various fields of endeavor is put into easily digestible form for the seeker of knowledge to read and learn from. The same is true for meditation books: established and experienced meditation teachers have put a crystallization of their knowledge into meditation books in easy to follow format for the genuine seeker of freedom of the mind to be able to learn from their many years of study and living the art and practice of meditation. Most meditation schools have published meditation books which detail their approach to the art of meditation, and prescribing ways in which the student may make the practice of meditation part of her own life. Z Meditation is a meditation center based in Dharamsala in India where me

Being mindful of mindfulness: Zen crap, or enlightened wisdom?

Through the magic of my Twitter feed, where occasionally pearls can be found amidst the social media junk, I came across a "Thich Naht Hahn is wrong" post on Brad Warner's Hardcore Zen blog. I was attracted to the title because I've tried to read some of Hahn's writings, but they end up seeming too Mindfulness'y preachy to my increasingly churchless mind. (Yeah, I'm becoming so turned off to religion, even godless Buddhism seems too doctrinaire to me.) At first, Warner's piece struck me as making some good points about mindfulness. Basically he doesn't agree with the notion that something called "mindfulness" is going to bring us closer to reality. This is at odds with a tweet from Hahn's account which said:  When you contemplate the big, full sunrise, the more mindful & concentrated you are, the more the beauty of the sunrise is revealed to you. Warner says: But there's another way to take this statement. And I honestly