
Showing posts from 2017

Exalted is Amity

Infinite Loving-Kindness is an Exalted  State! The Blessed Buddha once explained Loving-Kindness (Mettā) like this: This is what should be done by a clever one to arouse the advantageous: Having attained a peaceful state: He should be capable, straight, and very upright, easy to speak to, gentle, and not proud, content, and easy to support, with few duties, living simple, with calmed senses, devoted, and neither angry, nor greedy. He should not do any mean thing, which wise men would criticize. He always should wish: Let all beings be happy, joyous, glad, safe, and secure. Whatever living creatures there exist, still or moving, small or large, seen or unseen, far or near, already existing or coming into being, let all these living beings without any even single exception be completely and perfectly happy! One should never despise anyone anywhere, nor humiliate anyone anywhere, nor ever wish for any beings misery or harm, because of anger or irritation. Just as a mother

What is this critical Right Livelihood?

The Noble Eightfold Way, leading to Nibbāna, is simply this: Right View, Right Motivation, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Awareness, and Right Concentration. But what is Right Livelihood? The 5-fold Definition of Right Livelihood: 1: Earning a living not involving any trading with Living Beings. 2: Earning a living not involving any selling of Meat, Fish, or Flesh. 3: Earning a living not involving any selling of any form of Weapons. 4: Earning a living not involving any dealing with Alcohol, or illegal Drugs. 5: Earning a living not involving any selling of any form of Poison. That is Right Livelihood! The Characterization of Right Livelihood for lay people: Any livelihood that neither involves any killing, injuring, harming, nor any forced imprisoning of any living being, nor stealing, taking what is not given, cheating, any bribery, or corruption, or lying, or false deceiving, tricks, nor use of false measures and weights, neithe