October 2012 Numerology Forecast



The universal October numerology forecast indicates that family will pay an important role this month. This is a month to serve and not suddenly become very stubborn ... Read the rest for the #6 below.

The number information in italics is for the current month's universal forecast. To find your own personal month: add your month and day of birth and the current month and year together like in the example below.

Example: Feb 3, October 2012

#1 – New Energy

You catch the glimmer of a new idea and have strong desire to start over. Begin you plans for the future now and go out and meet new people. Change jobs or move if you need to. You are feeling clearer and more confident this month.

#2 – Set Backs

Expect setbacks due to other people's schedules, unfinished details and lack of money. Right now personal relationships are very important. A women may offer you advice, listen to her. You are learning patience. Analyze the situation.

#3 – Imagination and Romance

This month you will benefit by using your imagination, being romantic, easing up just a tad and getting out of your routine. If you can afford it take a trip. May are drawn to work with women's groups. You are optimistic and ready to let go of past worries. Don't forget your sense of humor. Be generous in small ways, just do not splurge.

#4 – Work

It is time now to catch up on your work, so don't expect to get away too much. Timing is just not right to travel. You may be frustrated by restrictions.

#5 – Change and Surprise

You experience a temporary lightening of the load as change, surprise and upset come your way. Timing is great for selling and / or a promotion. Remain disciplined and don't give up or give in. Resist the temptation to have an affair. Stay adaptable and be very flexible. Above all don't expect things to go the way you planned.

#6 – Family

The headline for October say family and domestic scene. There could be changes in your domestic scene. Are you suddenly getting married? It is time to take care of your family. Do the repairs to your house. People will be leaning on you. You do feel a little more secure and happy. This is a time to serve. Make sure that you are not stubborn this month.

#7 – Time Out

Are things quieting down or maybe even collapsing? The universe is asking you to spend some time alone, it is a time of retreat. Carefully finish those projects  that are most important to you. Explain to your family that you need to have some room to yourself.

#8 – Reward and Recognition

You are reaping what you have sown in the last 7 years and are rewarded and recognized. Your career, business and finances are highlighted, but keep an eye on your finances.

#9 – Relief

Some trying circumstance is ending and you have a sense of relief. Do not start anything new just yet. Once and for all give up some petty attitude that is blocking your energy. An illness could also end this month.

Are you looking for more in-depth information about you and your life based on Numerology I can guide, just contact me.

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