Do Psychics Believe in God? What Psychic Mediums Have Taught Me About The Afterlife

Article by Danny Fredricks

Do psychic mediums believe in god? What is their general position on religion and faith? Can you be a medium and NOT believe in a higher power, or would that be too much of a contradiction? These questions and more are commonly asked by OUR readers and subscribers, so if you've ever wondered the same thing, let's take a closer look below:

Is God and the afterlife synonymous... or are they different things altogether?

It's an interesting question. While 20 years of psychic research HAS taught me that most mediums DO believe in god, I've also found that what they actually believe in varies quite a bit from person to person. And while most certainly believe in a higher power or a universal energy that organizes all things, how that higher power is actually defined depends quite a bit on the actual experiences of the medium.

For example?

Some of the more famous mediums we see on TV are traditionally religious...and therefore, they tend to believe (and speak about) a more traditional God. When I spoke with world famous medium, John Edward last summer, for example...he made MANY references to symbols, and images traditionally associated with the Christian tradition. (which I found a bit ironic, considering I'm Jewish, and YET, the information being reported from my loved one was completely accurate)

Similarly, Theresa Caputo (The Long Island Medium) often speaks of her Catholic faith, and how it intersects with her readings, the symbols she gets during a reading and how she interprets them to give her clients the best information, and the most insight and spiritual inspiration possible.

Other mediums I work with today have much more new age beliefs as they apply to "god" and are more likely to speak about energy, consciousness, LIGHT and a connectedness that permeates and pervades all things.

Here is my PRIMARY belief as it pertains to God and spiritual mediums:

Just about all of them believe that there is some sort of higher intelligence that is involved ! in our lives. That we are here for a reason, and that there is a POWERFUL purpose behind each of our lives. Many believe that this higher being is the God that we read about in the Bible, and that "he" has a religious connotation as taught to us by our traditional faiths.

Others believe that the more experienced they get with the afterlife realms, the more apparent it becomes that there is no real "religion" at all, and that the primary purpose of life is to LOVE, to grow, to learn and to develop the spiritual understanding that while we may all appear to be separate people, underneath it all, where it counts.....we are all from the same source. (and when we open ourselves up to that fact, we become more connected to our OWN true nature, as well as each other)

As for myself? While I do follow some of my own traditional teachings of my own spiritual upbringing, I do that more for a sense of culture and community, rather than connection to one set of religious beliefs over another. In the final analysis, I believe that when we die we return to the source of karma, and connection and community from which we ALL that is a place where everyone is equal, no matter to whom or what you prayed to in this life. I also believe that where you "go" is a function of how tolerant and accepting you are right now...which is a constant reminder for me, to be kind, connected and accepting of all people, as that's the sort of afterlife experience I'm hoping to have as well!

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