7 Health Ailments Eased By Healing Meditation

Article by Bruce Channers

Do you suffer from skin conditions such as psoriasis? Are you battling blood pressure and heart disease? Do have trouble controlling your anxiety? If you suffer any of these conditions then you should add healing meditation to your arsenal of health and wellness tools. However, these health ailments are not the alone ailments that benefit from healing meditation. There are numerous health conditions that can be alleviated through the use of healing meditation.

Following is a listing of common health ailments that can be alleviated through healing meditation:

1. Psoriasis: Psoriasis is a skin disease that produces scaly red patches on the skin. It can be painful and embarrassing. Sufferers can also have painful flare-ups. Healing meditation can help to reduce the frequency and intensity of these flare-ups and clear up their skin patches.

2. Heart Disease and High Blood Pressure: According to the American Heart Association, Heart Disease is still the #1 cause of death for both women and men. Heart Disease is the result of a variety of factors including genetic predisposition, diet, and weight level. Combined with a proper diet, daily exercise, and heart disease drugs, healing meditation can help alleviate the effects of heart disease and reduce blood pressure.

3. Anxiety: At one time or another we all experience anxiety. Some people experience extreme anxiety on a daily basis which can even attack their immune system. Anxiety can also increase blood pressure. Blood pressure is known as the silent killer so it is critical to minimize the amount of anxiety you experience. Healing meditation can alleviate stress in your mind, soul, and body.

4. Arthritis and Fibromyalgia: Arthritis and Fibromyalgia sufferers deal with pain on a daily basis. Sometimes this pain can be crippling. Healing meditation can decrease the stress on muscles and joints. This reduces the pain sensations that these sufferers experience. Healing meditation can also help reduce inflammation thus reducin! g pain.< /p>

5. Premenstrual Syndrome: PMS can stop an otherwise healthy person dead in their tracks. Devastating headaches and painful menstrual cramps can be reduced through healing meditation. The meditation helps minimize stress and relaxes muscles which can be a most welcome effect for many PMS sufferers.

6. Asthma, Emphysema, and other Respiratory Ailments: If you are ill with these ailments then you know that breathing can be a chore. Your lungs can close up on you causing you to cough, gag, and have trouble breathing. Healing meditation is focused on breathing. You learn to breathe deeply and slowly. You open your lungs so that they can use their full capacity more effectively.

7. General Health: Healing meditation is a whole body experience. Every ounce of your body and mind benefits from meditation. This yields a positive attitude which further enhances your well being. Practicing meditation is a win-win experience for anyone. You can enjoy the benefits of meditation regardless of your age, gender, or skill level.

So stop and set aside time each day to meditate. You can ease any health ailments that you have to deal with every day. Healing meditation will lift your spirits as well which is key if you want to conquer your health condition.

About the Author

To learn how to maximise the health benefits of meditation, please go to:www.OnlineMeditationGuru.com

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