Tiffany Bil Helps Others Obtain a Clean

Article by Sally Marks

Rev. Tiffany M. Bil, an international psychic/medium, animal communicator, ThetaHealing practitioner® and owner and host of Spiritual Ascension Radio is offering classes on ThetaHealing® techniques August 17, 18 and 19 at 38381 Lancaster, Livonia, MI 48154. Registration begins June 25. All payments are due August 15th. If payments are made by July 25th there will be a special discount of 5. The cost after this date is 5. The following class description is taken from the website of Vianna Stibal, founder of ThetaHealing® Basic DNA introduces ThetaHealing® techniques and focuses on activating the 12 strands of DNA within each participant. The chronos, or youth and vitality chromosome is activated, the telomeres are strengthened to reverse the aging process, and students experience an opening to the Unconditional Love of the Creator. The heart of this class is the practice of techniques that allow you to change life patterns held in place by core, genetic, historic and soul beliefs, either self inflicted or externally imposed. The student will learn to identify his/her own beliefs as well as to practice pulling them for others in the class. This practice can quickly reveal systems of belief that might take traditional psychotherapy years to uncover, showing the body how to replace limiting beliefs or feelings with positive ones. Issues of safety are emphasized, especially when making genetic changes in the body. Other topics and exercises include learning discernment when working with guides and guardian angels, an introduction to the laws of manifestation, doing future readings, balancing seretonin and noradrenaline levels, pulling heavy metals and radiation, soul mates, waywards and implants, Seven Planes of Existence, and the protocols for healing a great variety of conditions and diseases working with the Creator. By the end of the seminar, the student is prepared to become a practitioner of ThetaHealing® as a ThetaHealer®. Classes are ideal for those in the healing professions such as p! hysician s, nurses, naturopaths, chiropractors, massage therapists, acupuncturists, Reiki Masters, medical intuitive and psychics. The classes are also open to individuals interested in learning how to reduce the roadblocks they suffer that prevent them from enjoying better health and happiness.

ThetaHealing® has also been described as focused thought through prayer. Theta brain waves, like all brain waves, have a frequency that is measured in cycles per second or Hertz (Hz.) Theta waves operate on a lower frequency (6-7 Hz) than Beta waves (13-40 Hz) which are most associated with normal waking consciousness or Alpha (7-13 Hz) which are associated with relaxation, meditation, creativity and super learning. "I am amazed at how great this healing modality is," said Rev. Bil. "I have experienced healing and miracles daily and I can't believe how much my life has changed in such a short amount of time. I am happy to be a living testament to ThetaHealing®. If you are looking for a personal healing this class is great for you and also if you are looking to add it to your modalities it is perfect too. I couldn't image my life without ThetaHealing® and I can't wait to bring it to Michigan!" In addition to the classes, Rev. Bil will offer private ThetaHealing® sessions, as well as personal readings at 696 N. Mill St. #105 in Plymouth, MI 48170. Using ThetaHealing® techniques, as well as her expertise as a Reiki Master, Angel Reader and medium channeling divine energy, Rev. Bil guides her clients to help them connect with their divine energy and help change destructive belief systems that are not conducive to good health and relationships. Rev. Bil has offices in both Scottsdale, AZ and Plymouth, MI and offers workshops throughout the U.S. Private consultations are 0 for a 60-minutes and 0 for 90 minutes. Sessions can be conducted one-on-one, by phone, Skype or email. More information is available at

About the Author

Sally Marks is the president of Marks Public Relations and the co-author of the self-improvement book, Erase Negativity and Embrace the Magic Within. The book is available on Amazon and

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