Essential Aromatherapy Oils Can Balance Mind, Body And Spirit

Article by Matalin Hatchard

Maharishi Ayurveda products use essential aromatherapy oils as the basis for their formulas. Herb and flower extracts are used to produce scents that can provide health benefits to users. Natural ingredients are superior to synthetic scents, which can be harmful when not used properly. Ayurvedic medicine utilizes an aroma blend that travels to the circulatory system after the user inhales the scent. The mixture of ingredients eliminates the side effects seen with any single ingredient. Aromatherapy typically involves the use of several scents and rarely involves a single scent by itself.

Pitta, Kapha and Vata, called doshas, are responsible for making sure the body and mind function normally. An individual experiences psychological, emotional and physical health when the doshas are in balance. Kasha is associated with spring, Pitta with summer and Vata with winter and autumn. The blends used depend upon the season of the year.

Oils with sweet scents will balance Vata and bring peacefulness and calm to the mind. Common oils used are Geranium Rose, Frankincense, Ylang Ylang and Sweet Orange. Adding Jasmine, Sweet Orange and Lemon to a tubful of warm water makes a calming soak that will help you sleep. You can mix up your own soothing massage oil with two ounces of Sweet Almond or Jojoba oil combined with a few drops each of Ylang Ylang and Frankincense. Some hot water and a couple of drops of the Maharishi Ayurveda Vata mixture make an effective facial steam treatment.

Pitta is unbalanced when the weather is hot and sometimes when emotions are running hot as well. Fennel, Sandalwood and Rose are oils with cooling effects that are helpful in balancing Pitta. Ylang Ylang, Frankincense, Peppermint and Lemon are suitable additions to this blend. Infuse bath water with four drops each of Sandlewood and Ylang Ylang during the hot summer months to cool off.

Blends offered to balance Kapha increase energy with spicy scents. Peppermint, Basil, Rosemary and Eucalyptus all have ener! gizing qualities that can be successfully blended with Ylang Ylang and Frankincense for balance. A steam treatment using Eucalyptus and Basil will lift your spirits during a raw winter day. Mix two ounces of unscented shower gel with four to six drops of Frankincense, Ylang Ylang and Peppermint to create your own Kapha balancing cleanser.

Essential oils can be very useful when properly used. Many people wonder how they got along without using aromatherapy oils once they try them. Maharishi Ayurveda offers a range of aroma blends for people who are not yet ready to start making their own mixtures. Aromatherapy candles strategically placed around the home will spread the scents around. When lit, the user gets the health benefits in addition to the pleasing scents throughout the home. Balancing the doshas with aromatherapy promotes a sense of wellbeing, boosts the mood, and brings harmony to the spirit, body, and mind.

People in many countries use aromatherapy oils to relieve headaches, promote relaxation, improve the immune system, aid circulation, sleep better and reduce stress. Some oils are effective at treating some skin conditions. People use essential oil to help eliminate depression symptoms and treat certain mental health problems. Aromatherapy can be successfully combined with other natural treatment options to create a custom package for any individual. You can prepare your own blends after you are familiar with what the oils can do. Essential oils are also used in many beauty products.

You should be careful when blending oils. Never allow pure oil to contact the skin. Pure oils are potent and must be diluted before used directly on skin. Pregnant women should always consult with a midwife or physician before using any essential oils.

About the Author

Matalin Hatchard is the Sales Manager at Maharishi Ayurveda Products NZ Ltd. Maharishi Ayurveda is an alternative medicine, with a focus on improving physical and mental health through natural healing remedies.

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