Chakras Meditation let you Experience the Bliss of a Clear Mind

Article by OmMeditation

Chakra is a type of meditation, which is used by great number of people to target and channel their body's energy. Derived from a Sanskrit word that means "vortex" or "circle", Chakras are energy centers stored in our body that control the flow and energy distribution. It is believed that imbalance caused in any of the chakras may disturb the physical, mental and emotional balance of an individual. meditation is quite effective as it helps in building concentration on maintaining and restoring balance of the energy centers found inside the body. s meditation help individuals to know the significance of interconnections and the role of each chakra in maintaining the health and well being of the individual.

The most difficult part of meditation that is experienced by great number of people is to have concentration for the entire meditation period. The mind easily starts to drift after some time of the meditation period as lot of thoughts, worries and plans intrude in to the minds without even realized by the individuals. This major problem often creates doubt in the mind of the individuals who often get confused on how to meditate. To overcome this prime problem of meditation, people are introduced to chakra meditation through which the individuals learn to create balance and purify their five elements. It is essential to understand that five elements earth, fire, water, air and space are related to the chakras of the body.

are vital energy focal points located in important parts of the body and hence the organs within the area of the are affected by the properties of the chakras. There are seven found in our body, each having its own attributes and characteristics. The seven found in our body include Root Chakra, Naval Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Brow Chakra and the Crown Chakra. The opening chakra meditation allows continuous flow of energy in and out of the body through the chakras located on the different parts of the body that further keep balance of t! he health and well being of the individuals.

Individuals should bear in kind that is essential to learn how to meditate because lack of meditation process and knowledge can lead to problems. Thus, it is essential that people should start with chakra meditation under the supervision of an expert chakra meditation teacher, who will perfectly teach on essential aspects like releasing energy fast, to know to fully unlock a chakra and to evenly distribute the energy flow. The supervision is required until individuals master control over these aspects. People at first might find chakra meditation difficult but with proper guidance, determination and patience, they can eventually learned chakra meditation.

About the Author provides Mediation classes, courses, Mediation Chakras techniques and CBM methods. How to Meditate and retreat of meditation with step by step method of Chakra meditation.

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Ganesh Mantra - Obstacle Breaker (STROBE)

98 Reps, 108 Reps would not fit in 10 minutes. "Om Salutations and Prostrations to Lord Ganesha" "This mantra invokes the Lord Ganesha to remove every impediment in your life and in your works. By constant meditation on this mantra, all obstacles and blocked energy in your physical and astral bodies are released. He brings writing and knowledge. But he is most often known as the "Breaker of Obstacles". This does not mean that if something blocks your way to success that appealing to Ganesh will result in your thundering through your opposition like some great juggernaut (a word derived from the name of a Hindu deity Jaganath). Rather, Ganesh breaks obstacles by working around them. He may not help you fix a relationship, but He might help you find a new one. He might not get you a raise at work, but you might get a job offer from another company for more money. Ganesh is a warrior, but is not into fighting for fighting's sake. Indeed, that is why he lost his head and it had to be replaced with the head of a elephant. Rather, He helps you find other ways of overcoming obstacles. The real obstacles He breaks are those which prevent you from recognizing alternative solutions." "Ganesha mantras are siddhi mantras . Each mantra contains certain specific powers of Lord Ganesha. When chanted with the proper pranayama (rhythmic breathing) and sincere devotion, they will yield good results. In general, Ganesha mantras will ward off all evil and bless ...

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