Become Mindful - Become Happy

Article by David McCall

Thinking on the past and trying to discover what could have been done better on the road to success can be aproblem for some, they are not able to cope with the emotional pressures the mind can bring into play.Emotions - these all begin in the mind. Remember feeling sad, happy, angry, anxious, you didn't just thinkabout these emotions, they came with sensations, our bodies feel these emotions quite often intensely. Remainaware of how you are feeling and why, self awareness is important here, you would not want to make crucial decisions if you were not in control of yourself.

Lets discuss self awareness. Before making important decisions which require a certain level of selfawareness remember,once you feel in control of your own circumstances decision making is easier. if yourself awareness is felt to highly it can have an adverse effect and leave you feeling unable to commit to thoseimportant actions. The key is balance, some help is at hand.

Being mindful originated from the teachings of Zen Buddhism, put very simply it means living in the moment withan open mind that makes no judgement on that moment. A very simple concept but it will challenge your selfdiscipline. Just observe what is happening in your mind and around you.

The mind is viewed and described as a machine that judges by the people who teach mindfulness. Recall the almostnatural way we arrive at judgements on situatons and people. Way back in the time of our ancestors those judgementswhere a matter of life or death, eat or starve, whether to stay and fight or run away. Those hunter gatherer dayshave mellowed some what, we see things as either good or bad or neutral. Being mindful would encourage you to observe everything with the same attention level without judgement.

Try this out and allow yur mind to be refreshed with a calm state of mind that will only apply rational actions.Start now with this exercise; the very next person you encounter look at them through fresh eyes, put everythingyou know about them ! and their abilities to one side. Try this with anyone, family, friends, work associates in whatever situation you meet them.

The importance of mindfulness on a personal level,comes from understanding whether you are thinking somethingthat will help you realistically or hinder you. Learn to experience your thoughts without making a judgementon their validity. If you consider that most of the negative thoughts you have experienced,tend to distort yourmindset and did not help you at all... Let these thoughts go. Do this by identifying them as symptoms which youvisualise as being disgarded.

Learn to view your thoughts and emotions objectively this will improve your overall contentment. When you feellow and dispirited recognise the negative thoughts as just that thoughts, not actual facts. Face the darkerside of your mindset and emotions, and deal with them in reality.Just as with any new learning experience, practice mindfulness. enjoy such simple pleasures as eating, listening tomusic, relaxing in your garden, to name but a few.

About the Author

Searching for and finding self improvement answers that have made a huge difference to me, problems such as self confidence, self esteem and anxiety, if you suffer in a similar way go and visit this link:

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