Questions to Ask a Psychic - What Happens When We Die?

Article by Danny Fredricks

Does everything just stop?

Or do we go on much the way we do right now?

Is life tethered and tied to the physical body alone... or does it expand at the moment of death, into a bright and beautiful world of light?

And if the afterlife is true... why do so many of us have trouble connecting to our loved ones that have crossed over?

All of these are great questions, and ideas that blend science and spirituality in a way that most of us desperately crave.

After all... who wants to believe in new age "nonsense" if there isn't any good evidence that supports it's true?

And yet... who wants to believe that life is inherently pointless and directionless, and that we are all simply "biological robots" who cease to exist at the moment of death?

As strange as this is going to sound, especially to the close minded skeptics, cynics and debunkers...

I believe that psychic mediumship MAY hold the answer to most of the pressing and important questions about life, our meaning and what happens when we die.

How so?

Good question! Because there is literally hundreds of years of recorded history from people with VERY special skills and sensitivities, who have "channeled", contacted or communicated with the energies of the deceased, and reported back on what they've found.

For example?

There are thousands of accounts of LEGITIMATE mediums offering accurate information to total strangers on the lives (and deaths) of people who have crossed over, and what they've experienced once they've "arrived" on the other side.

The ONE consistent truth?

That while there is no real "heaven or hell" per se, that we all end up in a world that is largely consistent with the life we've lived, and the amount of spiritual development we've undertaken.

For example...

Someone who cultivated positive thoughts, skillful means and selfless action DOES seem to be in a happier, or more evolved state of consciousness than those who lived more selfishly! , or with more anger and acrimony.

And if you believe the thousands of accounts reported by mediums, as well as things like "near death experiences" It DOES seem like we re-unite with those we've loved and lost as well. (which is good news for all!)Remember that much of what we are learning about quantum physics, and consciousness itself, suggest that are thoughts and memories and our very SELVES at the truest level are NOT confined to our bodies. (but rather are everywhere at all times in an energy field... something that most mystics and mediums and spiritual teachers have been saying for thousands of years)

Much of what mediums teach us, through communication with the other side is that life is a continuous process of spiritual development, education and expanding awareness. You can certainly BEGIN that process here... you should expect to continue to build and grow and evolve in the next world as well.

And while of course many people think the above is silly, the amount of accurate and inspiring information that has emanated from serious spiritual mediums is OVERWHELMING as evidence for an real as this one.

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Thank you Srila Prabhupada.wmv

Shastras enjoin that a devotee of Krishna is an ocean of good qualities. However shastras also mention about the 26 qualities which are resourced into a pure vaishnava. Srila Prabhupada when he was physically present with us, he showcased these 26 transcendental qualities and benedicted us with Krishna consciousness. It is only due to his special quality of being merciful and magnanimous, that we are today into Krishna consciousness. Let us all bow down at his lotus feet and show our gratitude to him by just fulfilling his desire of following four regulative principles, chanting 16 rounds daily, waking up for mangala arati, preaching this Krishna consciousness to others. Or else it is not possible for us to thank our beloved spiritual master in millions of Lives. Haribol

Video Rating: 4 / 5


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