Why Meditate? The Amazing Benefits Of Meditation

Article by Susan Masters

The modern world comes with an incredible range of possibilities, challenges and, let's not forget, with a wide selection of responsibilities. Are we ready to face them all, to deal with them all? The fact is that this modern world is overwhelming and therefore, we tend to get tired, weak and stressed. But is there a solution to all these effects of the modern world?

Undoubtedly, meditation is the one that can reduce best all these aspects of a busy, dynamic and active lifestyle, a lifestyle that implies, besides all the successes and satisfactions, an additional package of worries and, of course, stress.

Creating a Compensatory World with the Help of Meditation

So, we started from the fact that nowadays, the world is busy, overwhelming and, in addition, very, very fast. We are all running, we are all trying to keep up with life's dynamic rhythm. So, how can meditation help? Simply. Meditation comes as a simple and efficient salvation that allows us to detach from the fast and demanding real world.

Let's think that meditation somehow creates a compensatory world, an imaginary world that is created by us and it is created the way we like it. Our meditation world can be anything, from a vision, a fantasy, a trip to a place we love - or, why not, a trip to home, an introspection into our souls and minds, an analysis of a concept and whatever else it might bring us peace. How many often do we get the chance to do all these things in our real life? Not enough - and this is precisely why we need meditation. Analyzed from this perspective, meditation implies developing a better spiritual and intellectual life, it implies imagining, visualizing, creating - but creativity and imagination are not the only advantages or benefits of meditation.

A Better Psychological and Physical Life

The modern world affects us at a psychological level. How? We tend to develop anxiety, frustration, complexes and, even worse, depression. And the good news is that meditation can fight ag! ainst all these. Besides, meditation helps is lose our increased irritability, gain emotional stability, a good mood and a general peace of mind. More understanding and tolerance towards the world are other psychological benefits of meditation that can help us develop a healthier and more positive relationship with the others.

The physical or health-related benefits of meditation can not be neglected either. In fact, most individuals find them the most relevant ones. But what health problems can be improved by meditating? The scientific and experimental facts show that meditation has a great role in accelerating the metabolism, improving the skin and its resistance, dropping the cholesterol and cortisol, decreasing high blood pressure, decreasing the aging process and improving the breathing problems, as a result of the breathing exercises. In general, meditating implies, above all these, the desire for a healthier lifestyle, a lifestyle that can only affect our health in a positive way.

As shown above, the benefits of meditation do not simply reflect at a single level - meditation is a process that affects us entirely and that presents gains at multiple levels: the psychological level, the spiritual level, the health/body level and the intellectual level.

About the Author

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