August 2012 Numerology Forecast



The universal August numerology forecast indicates that it is time to put our noses back to the grindstone and to stay centered ... Read the rest for the #4 below.

The number information in italics is for the current month's universal forecast. To find your own personal month: add your month and day of birth and the current month and year together like in the example below.

Example: Feb 3, August 2012
2+3+8+2+0+1+2=18=1+8= 9

#1 – Solutions to Old Problems

This month bring new solutions to old problems as change comes into effect. It is time to be more assertive. Be open to meeting someone new. You will see a different aspect of yourself.

#2 – Details

Begin to work on the details you created last month. The pace slows down now, so be patient. Spend more time with your mate and your friends. This is a time to be careful with everything you undertake, a time to listen and cooperate. Take steps to simplify your life. Pay attention to your encounters with others — what are they trying to tell you?

#3 – Be Creative

August is a month to be creative: take a short trip, entertain friends for dinner. This is a time for more optimism. Life favors you.

#4 – Back to Work with a Sigh

Changes in work schedules may bring more restrictions than feel comfortable to you as you are back to work with a sigh. You family puts demands on you and pets unexpectedly have to be taken to the vet. Stay centered and make a list of your goals.

#5 – Change or Conflict

You experience change or conflict on the home front. Be very flexible and adaptable right now. Timing is perfect for a trip this year. You want to serve the public. If you are single you may meet a possible mate. Follow your curiosity and explore new ideas.

#6 – Family Life is Highlighted

During the month of August your family life is highlighted as more and more people turn to you for help. You have a strong feeling of security. An old family issue may surface. You also must keep your promises now. Don't overbook yourself, set aside time just for you. Remain centered in a spiritual practice (this whole year is excellent for meditation and study). Take that class: art, sewing, cooking or what ever you are drawn to. Have good friends over for dinner.

#7 – Time for a Rest

It is time for a rest. Go on a retreat, meditate, pay attention to your health and your tendency to overwork. Make time an do something unique and special. People are drawn to you for your expertise. Be patient about money. If you are looking for work, you will get it next month.

#8 – Business Opportunities

Business opportunities are picking up: promotions, retirement or a bonus. Apply yourself to complete a project. You could find yourself working with: international agencies, large corporations, and charities. You are drawn to pursue cultural projects, publishing, research and teaching. The results will probably be seen next month. Large amounts of money could be coming your way through perhaps an inheritance. You will make a major life decision, use good judgment.

#9 – Discard the Unworkable

It is time to finish up old projects and tie up loose ends. If something turns out to be unworkable it is time to discard it. Make time to travel and broaden your contacts. Have faith and hope for the best. Revel in your accomplishments, but don't start anything new until next month.

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