Worried About Eternal Life, Christians Despise Life on Earth

Article by Matheus Tonon

I find it curious how so outrageously, religion opposes the proposal of Jesus. While the Gospel is intended to pacify the hearts of men, religion promotes its detachment; suggests a transformation of consciousness, the other a behavioral change, one comes to the forgiveness of sins, the other performing meritorious works, one calls the people to reconciliation with the Creator, the other tries to convince to accept the Creator's creatures.

No wonder that many philosophers and thinkers, looking at the history of human civilization, religion remained on a critical, skeptical and sometimes cynical. Heinrich Heine, German poet and writer, in a sarcastic tone, once said: "Welcome be a religion that pours into the bitter cup of suffering human species some sweet, soporific drops of spiritual opium..." Marx, the father of scientific socialism not saved "ink", and shouted to his time: "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world. It is the opium of the people. " Hegel, one of the most respected philosophers, the father of absolute idealism, despite having studied at the Protestant seminary of Württemberg, was another who saw religion as alienation of human essence.

Friedrich Engels, one of the originators of the theory of dialectical and historical materialism in the nineteenth century, gave a very lucid assessment of the Christian religion over time. He stated that, first, Christianity was a religion of the poor, the outcasts, the oppressed and condemned. However, it was not long in the third century, to establish itself as the state ideology of the Roman Empire. Then, since the middle ages, lined up perfectly with the European feudal hierarchy, and soon after, from the industrial revolution, as in modernity, amalgamated to bourgeois society.

I think one of the most essential in these difficult times we live in is keep a watchful analytical and critical about our own history. Our goal should be to rethink the role that fits the world we live in societ! y in which we operate, in order to materialize, with concrete actions, proposals that are likely to reframe what we claim to be faith in Jesus Christ.

However, and sadly, I have seen, increasingly, is dullness, alienation, the "mass manipulation", the "theology" of the complacency that sacrifices on the altar of expediency, the replacement unit for the uniqueness of the burrificação unanimously. I see Christians concerned about eternal life, "toiling" in search of securing the future, dreaming of the promised reward, as humanity is completely empty of any possibility of finding meaning in existence, and Earth is dying by the exploitation of its resources each increasingly scarce.

Look at the churches crowded with people, often empty, selfish, living a spirituality diseased, looking for himself, but is not able to see the next. Christians are caught up with movements, programs, seminars, concerts, church services, activities that are justified by the old maxim: to evangelize the lost! You hardly find these people in demonstrations claiming important social issues, or engaged in NGOs and other organizations that fight for the rights of the underprivileged, or participating in projects that enable sustainable development of the planet. No, the "business" of "believers" is to seek the supernatural! Let the natural ends, to dismantle, to be extinguished...

I grew up with slogans like: "Christian is not involved with politics," "the earth is being" stored up "into everlasting fire," "we have to take care of the household of faith." So the evangelical politicians are more corrupt than Congress, the earth is suffering from "birth pangs", taken to overcome all its limits, and those who are not part of our "brotherhood" dying in the streets, in the cracolândias life in the gutters of the existence, in hospitals, prisons, the slums. I have chills just thinking... "Then he will say to those on His left: Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: For! I was hu! ngry and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty and you gave me drink: I was a stranger, do not take Me in, naked, and ye clothed me not, and sick and in prison ye visited me not. " Mt 25:41-43

Our religion is "spirituality" of the occasion, with weeping and contrition staging at the moment. James in his epistle, writing for the Jews of the dispersion, we still permeated by the "religion of Israel," said that religion grounded on faith, but does not have good works, to no avail. To paraphrase the apostle could ask: "Show me where you are with your faith, and I, with my engagement in the pressing issues of humanity, I will show thee."

Gramsci, Italian political philosopher and scientist of the nineteenth century, analyzing contemporary society in the religious culture, it is concluded that "the most gigantic utopia, the more metaphysical than history has ever known, since it is the greatest attempt to reconcile, in the form mythological, the real contradictions of historical life. " In other words, religion is a luxury item, only serves to "numb the soul," but has little or no use to the minds of men.

While the "church" continue divested within four walls, enraptured with his own works, thinking about the afterlife, the world will suffer with "colic" social, millions die of hunger, cold, thirst, abuse, people who do not may be "evangelized" because it will be buried in a shallow grave! Yes, while we just "praying" and "praising" the "lord", the rivers are being polluted, forests devastated, contaminated air, the animals extinct, destroyed the ozone layer. "Hallelujah brothers!"...

With the aid we are giving the "devil", he does not need to engage in doing what Jesus said: "kill, steal and destroy." You can take holidays and go to Boca Raton! My prayer these days is to see fewer people "crammed" into the "church", ie those who do nothing, has no commitment to anything, and more people in unions, OSCIP's, human rights organizations, people who interest in the Gospel that their candidate is ! doing, pe! ople who go the streets to protest against all that hurt the human dignity, which is "Elijah" in our time, prophets who denounce injustice and evil, and not aspiring sorcerers, guessing the future of others.

If I believe in eternal life? Of course! If I wait? With all my heart! If I am awaiting the return of Jesus? Would that it were today! But until it all becomes a reality for me, I have much to do here on Earth because, to paraphrase Paul, not yet finished the race in order to keep the faith and receive my crown, which the righteous Judge shall give me at that day! Yes, I say with all authority: who has ears let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the Church!

By Carlos Moreira ~ Genizah

About the Author

We must base our lives on the passage in Mark 16:15 and I see this blog as a way to "Go and preach the gospel." Our desire is that through small messages we can show that God wants a personal relationship and hope that you consider the possibility of knowing God and his love for you. There is not another relationship that we may experience able to completely satisfy the yearnings of the human heart and mind.


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