Unknown Facts About Saturated Fats and Its Importance to Tummy Fats Reduction

Article by Ivanildo

Nowadays, there have been numerous studies conducted regarding the effects of saturated fats to human health especially on the development and occurrence of heart disease. In the past until now, it has been a "Fact" that this fat is unhealthy and thus contributes to development and occurrence of heart disease. But actually this premise was wrong! This past finding was proven to be wrong since it is actually a healthy neutral fat; there have been numbers of studies conducted with this and it has been proven that saturated fatty acids is not correlated to heart disease as previously established. For this purpose, this article will give you a brief insight to saturated fats so with some proves as a healthy fat; and also, this article will focus on its role to tummy fats reduction.

There have been numerous studies conducted about the true health benefits of saturated fats emphasizing its advantages and disadvantages to health. Although there have been numerous broad intensive researches to its health identity, still it is one of the most controversial topic even this present day when it comes to its real effects and functional role to human health. There have been numerous claims in past that saturated fats are actually unhealthy to eat; such as a study conducted in the past which was published in a Men's Health magazine in a six page article, were it state that this fat are actually bad to your health and this past claims and researches were actually wrong. As evidence to this, here are some points to prove the real identity of this fat:

First point stated in that article; it is widely accepted nowadays by medical professionals such as doctors, nutritionist, dieticians, and fitness practitioners that saturated fats is actually bad for your health stating it as a "FACT" in fact was never been proven in the past. Actually never it was a fact, but a visionary hypothesis. This original flawed story goes back in 1950's were a scientist named Ancel Keys published a research concluding tha! t a diet ary fat is a primal culprit for the occurrence of increasing heart disease worldwide. Actually there is nothing wrong with the study, but what made the study a major flaw is that the conclusion was based solely from small portions of countries were on few subjects were used for the data to be collected, in such a way it would not greatly support his assumption that fat consumption is generally a potent contributor to heart disease and eventually death by the general public in his time before.

Second point is; there were no other factors considered for the development of heart disease other than fat intake. Hence no considerations was made to factors such as stress, sugar, smoking, exercise, and many others which indeed as known today contributes to heart disease development. Although the finding of this study was a flaw, unfortunately it was generally accepted as a "Fact" (saturated fat is bad to your health) until today by some individuals; there were also numerous studies conducted were they looking into a link between saturated fat intake to heart disease, but unfortunately no correlations were established in such a way that some made interesting claims linking saturated fatty acids to heart disease. With this flawed past facts, this type fat does not actually contributes to occurrence of tummy fats, in fact it actually help to reduce tummy fats.

Looking at these evidence, are there actually a real "Fact" proving that saturated fats are good to health and a contributor to tummy fats reduction? Yes indeed there was.

Considering these few examples:

There were actually some tribes in African continent specifically the Samburu, Fulani and Masai whose diet were solely consists high saturated fat content foods such as cows blood, raw whole milk, and huge quantities of red meat. Despite this high fat intake, they manifest absolutely low body fat level and heart disease is actually not prevalent in existent so with excessive tummy fats.

Other proves would be; there were c! ertain s tudies conducted to a certain pacific island inhabitants, were they observed that these islanders consume high amount of saturated fat from natural sources such as coconut, palm, and cocoa. Astonishingly, despite their high fat intake, these islanders' natives manifest small or no heart disease at all in their tribe. But those native islanders who had move into other land and adapted to western diets exhibited likely to develop heart disease, and this is actually happening nowadays. This because, saturated fat intake would actually raise your increases your good cholesterol (HDL) against bad cholesterol (LDL).

Another factual proves is; saturated fats composed of healthy essential types of fatty acids which are palmitic, stearic, and lauric acid. Stearic acid is abundant in cocoa and some animal fats (lard), there were some research present researches about this fatty acid in which all concluded that it has no negative impacts on heart disease risk, it neither act as neutral or beneficial; and it actually aids to reduce tummy fats. The fact is liver digest stearic acid into monounsaturated fatty acid called oleic acid which is a type of healthy fat and is found in olive oil. Another is lauric acid, this type increases the high density lipoproteins levels significantly, so with serving as a potential immune booster; recently it has been proven that lauric acid help improve immune function against HIV/AIDS. And lastly is palmitic acid, which is also a component of saturated fat and it has been proven that it raises good cholesterol against bad cholesterol, thereby favouring beneficial cholesterol dominance. Furthermore, these three essential fatty acids, actually hasten tummy fats reduction because it help the body to burn more fats faster.

These are some of the many prove that saturated fats is actually a healthy fats, but if you are curious about what are the real culprits for heart disease; these are the real culprits: trans fats, refined vegetables oils (such as cottonseed, corn, etc...)! , high c arbohydrates diet, unhealthy lifestyles (smoking, lack of exercise, etc...), unhealthy diet, and many more. These are the potent cause of heart disease, and not the saturated fat as established earlier in the past. I hope this article has completely widened your understanding to the real identity of saturated fats as healthy neutral substance as well as its contribution to tummy fats reduction.

About the Author

If you're interested in taking your fat-loss efforts to an entirely new level, go to the following site and get FREE instant access to the Lose Tummy Fats Presentation - Unusual Fat Loss Tips, That Will Teach You How To Lose Tummy Fats For Once And For All - http://LoseTummyFats.com

Ivanildo is a Personal Trainer and Fitness Expert

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