Unlimited Capital Looking for Creative Partner

Article by Matheus Tonon

Do not know if it's urban legend or fact, but runs the news that the Woodstock Festival in the late 60s, the United States, and that stirred the conscience and consciousness of millions of young people in the world, and changed an entire generation-that happened because two young men earned a family plan and thought what to do with the money.

The options were: to save money, which was great, and able to hold each of them with their future families, whole life, spending money freely and lavishly, or invest in something that would change people.

Would then have taken the third route. As a consequence of this choice, have also placed an advertisement in some American newspapers, saying "Unlimited Capital looking for creative partner."

And it would have been just that!...

Hundreds of letters with designs began to appear. Good and profitable projects. However, among many, would have arisen from the project Woodstock Festival. Young people would be delighted and chose him. So, supposedly invested everything they had to pay for the project. And it happened for three days. And touched the bowels of the earth.

As a result of the event and its magnitude cultural and spiritual, entrepreneurs end up taking the festival, and all that it took much more money than they would have invested. Although this was not the initial motivation.

"Unlimited Capital looking for creative partner"-a phrase that is well expressed by the call of God to every human being.

Yes! Because the investor has unlimited capital. Capital of all sorts of blessings in heavenly places. And, moreover, has made us His heirs gave us the Cross Trust in leveraged the power of the Resurrection, gave us a vision of glory to come, we took the fear of death here, and provided us with the unlimited guarantee all things work together for our good, so only the love and creativity to deliver our being that is moved by love for God and neighbor, and not afraid to stop any path in order to engage in a dream of a bet! ter path .

The Gospel is the announcement that says "Unlimited Capital looking for creative partner."

Yes! The partner has to be creative, because only one partner or co-worker is having the creative courage to take the risk of faith.

Creativity and madness often overlap. And it is not possible, by the standards of "normality" and "medium", looking for men of faith who have preceded us according to Biblical accounts, and we do not see the crazy God's creative using the Unlimited Capital.

Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Gideon, Samson, David, Jeremiah, Daniel, Zechariah, etc.. -Would not be approved in any psychometric test. Would be considered crazy dreamers. Unbalanced. Mystical beings in excess or too primitive.

And what about John the Baptist? Mary? Joseph, her husband? Of all the apostles who chose death because of the certainty of the Resurrection? Paul and his crazy understanding of grace? And John and his crazed Apocalypse?

Infinity Capital seeks cooperator full of faith, hope and love! -Is the announcement of God to you.

"All this will give thee if falling down and worship me"-is the other announcement.

God seeks free and creative collaborators, and who for love of Him to unite, and thus receive His Grace the capital to expand all their gifts and talents, without fear and without limitation, all the borders of what is good, because, in this case, the only prerequisites are faith, hope and love. And the only limit is one that does not limit: the love of neighbor.

The paradox is that serving in love, to worship God as he is his co-worker, partner, and friend.

But the one who proclaims "All this will give you if falling down and worship me"-not to shareholders. Whether just slaves of their worship. In fact, he gives nothing, but death as a reward of worship given to him because of our passion for the powers of this world.

What really hurts is to see that "members of God" do not know the Unlimited Capital and neither are creative in their! faith.< /p>

They, the supposed "members of God", they prefer a Capital Limited and a paralyzed usefulness. That when it comes to "God." Or, when they seek Unlimited Capital, seek it not in God, but in marketing schemes, manipulation and bargaining power, as the devil and its offerings (Matthew 4)

So the mad follies of the world and its ambitions, but are not the crazy love of God and co-creative partners with Grace, and fewer still are friends of God, in which case, servants or fearful, hiding capital and bury, or wicked servants, who surtam of megalomania and addiction to power, and begin to mistreat their servants, as the parables of Jesus.

We are facing a new and gloomy time on Earth. More than ever the divine announcement is heard: Unlimited Capital looking for creative collaborators in faith, hope and love!

In the last century Mahatma Gandhi proved that in a 'pessoainha' capable of faith, hope and love can bring down an empire!

Last week I, Adriana and Daniel went to lunch at the home of a people friendly and the Way. We were shocked to see that literally in caco caco of debris in debris, demolition, demolition of abandoned pieces of material down the street or in the trash... the building, they built a beautiful school, with his own hands; and they form the same faculty that place of grace, and that education is referential, with premiums earned.

The Ad is done!

Offer. Decide what you want. See if you want to use the Unlimited Capital is only driven by faith, hope and love, and that makes it a member of God's will in the world with the freedom to be as you love, and even more so, According to the gift of creativity that God's grace poured out on you, or if, on the contrary, you want to live four to hell, making bargains, and selling your soul.

Infinite Grace worshiper seeks creative and grateful!

"Whoever wants to come and see!", Says the Investor!

Him, in Whom we have unlimited resources, and creativity that invests donated by the same.

About the Author

We must base our lives on the passage in Mark 16:15 and I see this blog as a way to "Go and preach the gospel." Our desire is that through small messages we can show that God wants a personal relationship and hope that you consider the possibility of knowing God and his love for you. There is not another relationship that we may experience able to completely satisfy the yearnings of the human heart and mind.


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Tibetan Incantations - 25 min - Mantra of Avalokiteshvara

Tibetan incantations - Om Mani Padme Hum : Buddhist Mantra 'Om Mani Padme Hum' in Sanskrit or 'Om Mani Peme Hung' as in Tibetan Buddhism is known to contain the essence of all of Buddha's teachings in this magical six syllable mantra of the bodhisattva of compassion, Avalokiteshvara (Tibetan Chenrezig, Chinese Guanyin). OM MANI PADME HUM purifies us at 3 levels Mind, Body & Speech and in this way liberates us from all negative karma. This Mantra is popularly known as " The Jewel in the Lotus " or " The Diamond in the Lotus " ( "mani" means Diamond , a precious jewel and Padma means Lotus flower which is the spiritual symbol of consciousness ) The Jewel refers to the Mind or consciousness and the Lotus refers to the Heart that is the source of Love energy. The meaning of OM MANI PADME HUM is "Om , salutations to the Jewel of consciousness (the Mind) which has reached the Heart's lotus." Tibetische Gesänge - Om Mani Padme Hum: buddhistische Mantra "Om Mani Padme Hum" in Sanskrit oder "Om Mani Peme Hung", wie im tibetischen Buddhismus ist bekannt, dass die Essenz aller Lehren Buddhas in dieser magischen sechssilbigen Mantra des Bodhisattva des Mitgefühls enthalten, Avalokiteshvara (tibetisch Chenrezig, Chinesisch Guanyin) . OM MANI PADME HUM reinigt uns auf 3 Ebenen Mind, Body & Speech und auf diese Weise befreit uns von allen negativen Karmas. Dieses Mantra ist im Volksmund als "The Jewel in the Lotus" oder "The Diamond in the Lotus" ("mani" bedeutet Diamond, ein kostbares ...

Video Rating: 4 / 5


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