Want to Become Psychic Medium? 3 Ways to TURBOCHARGE Your Psychic Abilities From Home

Article by Danny Fredricks

Do I have to be born psychic to have the "gift"? Can anyone learn to develop psychic abilities at any age.....or do you have to start early in life if you aren't born with them "hardwired" in at birth? And what about those "secret" systems and strategies for developing uncanny intuition, or improving my own natural psychic abilities with practice?

Do they work......or are they simply new age nonsense and more about MARKETING than mediumship? In this article we are going to take a quick and easy look at some of the very BEST ways to become psychic at ANY age, and answer some common objections and obstacles that many folks face getting there as well. Curious to know more? Continue reading as we take a closer look below!

Do I need to be BORN psychic.....or can anyone become more gifted with practice?

Good question, and one that is very commonly debated, AND misunderstood. The truth is, there ARE some people who are born with brains that are wired a bit differently and more powerfully for accessing information that exists outside of the ordinary awareness for most.

As a matter of fact, just recently...in the Spring of 2012, a well publicized scientific study of SYNESTHESIA, something that is often associated with psychic abilities, showed differences in how these participants brains were "wired", most likely from a young age.

(NOTE: synesthesia is a "gift" often reported by artists, musicians and creative people who see colors around people (such as aura's) and who report hearing words, or seeing colors, or have a blending of the senses. It is also VERY often reported by psychics, mediums and people who work with alternative energy and healing....and who speak of being able to see auras and spirits in the natural world)

So while there is DEFINITELY some truth to the idea that many gifted psychics and mediums are simply born "special", there is plenty of evidence that supports that ANY of us can learn to become more psychic with practice.

The BEST way to develo! p your o wn psychic gifts?

I'm going to share 3 simple methods with you below. In truth, there are probably 12 different, unique practices that have been proven to help facilitate psychic development, but for the purposes of this article and space available, I'm going to share with you the 3 that I have personally benefitted the most from. (they are also the cheapest and easiest to try from home as well)

- Simple Meditation:

Believe it or not, mediation is probably the 1 guaranteed perennials development technique that can help anybody, regardless of how "sensitive" they may or may not be today, to become far more in touch with your intuitive gifts.....simply through practice, persistence and daily discipline.

Of course this is not just MY experience. (even though it's been a big help for me as well) Almost every well known psychic or medium I've ever interviewed or spoken to, both personally and professionally alike, has told me that mediation was the key to their own development.....and that includes FAMOUS psychics like John Edward, to local intuitives I've worked around the world, and in my own city alike.

(believe it or not, even the BUDDHA spoke about the psychic powers that would arise from a mediative practice thousands of years ago, and the spiritual beings called "Siddhi's" that would appear to those who cultivated the practice)

- Binaural Beats and brain entrainment technology

There is as whole suite of sound technologies called binaural beats....which are used to deepen meditation and synchronize the brain waves into alpha, delta and theta states. (brain states well known to facilitate altered states of consciousness)

As a matter of fact, binaural beats are used by scientists who study out of body experiences, lucid dreaming, psychic remote viewers and even zen meditators....simply because they help ordinary people have extraordinary experiences that conventional scientists cannot currently explain.

Not only have I personally used them to deepen my! own psy chic abilities, they have helped me become more creative and relaxed on a daily basis as well.

- Interacting with other intuitives, mediums and professional psychics

If you want to become a better tennis player, what do you do? You seek out other tennis players who are better than you, right? The truth is, the secret to mastering ANY skill you want to cultivate is seeking out others who have mastered what you want to learn.

In my own experience? Getting regular psychic readings, speaking with mediums on a regular basis and joining a local mediumship "meet up" organization has helped me to grow exponentially more intuitive far faster than I ever thought possible.

As a matter of fact, it's now COMMON for me to meet new psychics and mediums and have them "feel" my own intuitive abilities within the first 5-10 minutes of the reading)

Of course there are many more ideas you can implement to become more psychic, BUT the 3 simple tips and techniques above work amazingly well, and they work for most everyone who has the dedication, and the discipline to develop psychic powers!

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