The Millionaire Mind: The Real Secret to Wealth

by RubyJi

Article by Raj Arvin

Why do some people get rich and stay rich while others constantly strive for wealth and always fail even though they have more opportunities and education than those who become wealthy? The answer is simple those who get rich and stay rich develop what popular author T. Harv Eker calls the Millionaire Mind.

The Millionaire Mind is a mindset or set of beliefs that conditions a person to seek out opportunity, seize it and utilize that opportunity to achieve wealth and keep it. The Millionaire Mind is not a new or original idea author Napoleon Hill discovered it while studying millionaires in the 1920s and 30s and termed it a Positive Mental Attitude. This discovery was the basis of his classic books Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude and Think and Grow Rich.

Hill was inspired to undertake the research that led to his discovery of the Millionaire Mind during a meeting with billionaire Andrew Carnegie, who had begun life as a poor immigrant with only a few years of schooling. Carnegie who lived in the 19th Century had none of the opportunities available to us today he had no internet, no college education, no computers and no books on the Millionaire Mind yet he became a billionaire by developing a Millionaire Mind and using it.

If you want to get rich you'll have to do as Carnegie did you'll have to develop a Millionaire Mind. The Millionaire Mind is a set of beliefs that tells you that you are in charge of your life and your world. The Millionaire Mind tells you that you can change your circumstances and overcome almost any obstacles that life throws at you.

There are a number of steps you can take to develop a Millionaire Mind, the first is to realize that you are in control of your life and your success depends on your actions. If you want something you'll have to go out and work for it. If you want money you'll have to work to make it, you'll never achieve wealth by gambling, get rich quick schemes, government giveaways or waiting for that lucky break. You'll have ! to go ou t and create that lucky break for yourself.

The second step to take will be to eliminate the negative feelings and attitudes that hold you back because they lead to destructive behavior. For example the fear that keeps you from leaving the "security" of your Nine to Five Job and starting your own business or the greed and envy that makes you fall for get rich quick scams.

The third step is the development of a positive mental attitude that is the belief that things can and will get better. Having a positive mental attitude means concentrating on the things you can change and not dwelling on failures and other negative circumstances.

A fourth step you should take is to always behave in an ethical manner, don't lie, don't steal, don't cheat, don't break the law, don't discriminate and treat everyone fairly. Always follow the Golden Rule that is treat others as you would like to be treated. Wealth that isn't based on ethical behavior will always disappear and create nothing but misery for those who acquire it.

There are many excellent books and other resources out there that can show you how to develop your own Millionaire Mind. Three of the best are Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude by Napoleon Hill & W Clement Stone & The Secret of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker.

About the Author

Raj Arvin is a renowned Internet marketing coach and industry leader who is creating abundance in all dimensions of his life including finances and helping others to achieve the same.Tune in for his Daily Marketing Tips, Techniques and Strategies. He teaches on How To use the Internet to create LASTING Success. If you want to learn How To create Prosperity and Affluence in all aspects of your life, welcome to

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