True religion

If we immersed ourselves in a cartoon like world, true religion would teach us how to access our real, flesh and blood, human world, that is, how to wake up from the enchantment of the cartoon world.  Short of not waking up, what would be the point of a cartoon religion for us?  It would only keep us glued to the cartoon world.

Turning now to the human world, if the true path of religion is supposed to show us what actually transcends our all-too-human world of birth and death—with a lot of suffering thrown in for good measure—what would be the ultimate benefit of a religion that didn't teach a proper path to the transcendent by which we might recognize it for ourselves in this life?  As I see it, there wouldn't be any benefit.   

Any religion that doesn't lay out a path of the transcendent is almost meaningless.  I should add, that belief in a transcendent God is not the same thing as realizing the transcendent, directly, within ourselves by gnosis.

Regrettably, there are some paths in Buddhism that don't begin to lead us to the transcendent, in the example of seated meditation.  Other such forms include chanting.  In truth, seated meditation or chanting really can't help us to see for ourselves what exactly transcends this corporeal body of birth and death.

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