Integral Yoga

Article by Daveopton

Yoga is a way of life. It is predominantly concerned with maintaining a state of equanimity at all costs. Yoga Darshan or Yoga Philosophy also happens to be a valid discipline of Indian metaphysics (Brahma Vidya).

The essential idea of yoga is to join the atma or human being soul with the paramatma or the worldwide Soul. This is the intelligence encapsulated in the term samadhi. The aim of the yogi is to be able to perceive the planet in its true luminosity and to accept that fact in its total.

The name Yoga has a very broad scope. There are several schools or systems of Yoga. Dnyanayoga (Yoga through knowledge), Bhaktiyoga (Yoga through devotion), Karmayoga (Yoga through action), Rajayoga (Royal or supreme Yoga) and Hathayoga (Yoga by balancing opposite principles of body)

Yoga has been looked upon as a successful way of self-improvement and spiritual enlightenment. All these systems in actual fact have this same purpose; only the ways of achieving it are little different for each of them. In its most well-liked form, the term Yoga has come to correlate with the last of these systems which is Hathayoga.

Numerous Aurovilians, certainly persons who have purposely come for Auroville's spiritual vision and call, are practicing the 'Integral Yoga' as described by Sri Aurobindo, and naturally refer to it in their communications in daily life. Transformation of our superficial, narrow and fragmentary human way of thinking, seeing, feeling and being into a deep and wide spiritual consciousness and an integrated inner and outer continuation and of our ordinary human source of revenue into the divine approach of living.His yoga accepts the value of cosmic existence and holds it to be a reality; its object is to enter into a superior Truth-Consciousness or Divine Supramental Consciousness in which action and creation are the expression not of lack of knowledge and imperfection, but of the Truth, the Light, the Divine Ananda . Only those who can believe the call to such a make improve! ments sh ould enter into this yoga.

The development we have to track is to put our whole mindful being into relative and contact with the Divine and to call Him in to transform our entire being into His, so that in a sense God Himself, the real Person in us, becomes the sâdhaka of the sâdhana as well as the Master of the Yoga by whom the lower individuality is used as the centre of a marvelous transfiguration and the apparatus of its own flawlessness.

The complete belief of Integral Yoga is to give oneself entirely to the Divine alone and to nonentity else, and to bring behind into ourselves by union with the Divine Mother all the transcendent light, power, wideness, peace, purity, truth-consciousness and Ananda of the Supramental heavenly.

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