The Dukan Food plan VS The Atkins Weight-reduction plan

Article by Brent Boyd

Both Dukan diet and the Atkins diet stick to the same objectives. Above all is always to assist in shedding weight and 2nd would be to decrease the ingestion of carbs from food. Another essential similarity is the number of phases which they share equally. Both of these offer 4 phases respectively. However, to satisfy the same objective, they follow two different routes. Where in fact the Dukan diet stresses the usage of high proteins to reduce carbohydrates, the Atkins diet does not. It stresses on the intake of carbs which it want to first reduce after which end in the dieter's diet.Phase 1:Where phase one in the Dukan diet is called the "attack phase", the Atkins diet refers to it as the "induction phase". Although the objective of the very first phase can be compared (to trim down body weight dramatically), they're going forward with exclusive methods. Dukan emphasizes complete protein food in this first phase, reducing a lot of the carbs and fat. Atkins focuses on reducing the intake of the carbohydrates only, and works on switching your body from burning mostly carbohydrates (in the shape of glucose) to burning mainly fat (as well as your surplus fat) for energy. Whilst there is no intake of carbohydrates in the Dukan diet at all, Atkins diet allows for only 20 grams daily (including vegetables) throughout the first phase.Phase 2:Though objectives remain the same, there exists a difference in the paths in phase 2. The "Cruise phase" of the Dukan diet is approximately how to attain the target weight and for the first-time allows the dieter to consume vegetables. The Atkins diet means that a small increase of 5gm to 10gm (25 to 30 grams each day) in the consumption of carbs does occur in the first week of the phase "Ongoing Weight Loss" (OWL) before the weight stops to diminish so the dieter can easily determine when the maintenance period should start. Then a dieter is preferred to subtract five grams of carbohydrates from their daily consumption in order that they proceed with sustained, mod! erate we ight-loss.Phase 3:The food diets use a different approach at phase 3, which is the "Consolidation phase" for the Dukan diet and "Pre-maintenance" for the Atkins diet. For the Dukan diet, here is the start of the maintenance period of the dieter's "true weight" which was attained in phase 2. Where as only at that phase the Atkins diet performs the preparations required by the Pre- maintenance period. The carbohydrate intake is reduced again to achieve the goal weight.Phase 4:In this last phase, "Stabilization" for Dukan and "Lifetime Maintenance" for Atkins, it's about showing everyone else around you that "Yes! I could stay with it! " During this period both of the weight loss programs will make you climb onto exactly the same platform. You will have to live the remainder you will ever have in phase 4 within your food diets, done well!Eating is part of life and really should be neither regimented nor sacrificed. The Dukan diet promises those on a diet to drop weight by consuming as much as they really want with one hundred accepted foods. The Atkins diet 's been around for 40 years and contains been supported with over sixty studies during this time period.

About the Author

Having a healthy diet is the greatest solution to lose weight fast and safe, that's why you should take a good look at the food diet solution program.The Diet Solution

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