Deepest State of Meditation - 3 Secrets to Help You Improve Your Meditation

Article by Alex Lee

With so many different techniques, choosing and starting a Meditation sometimes becomes a tough chore. Most beginners find it hard to enter state of meditation, that is when one's brain wave enter the Alpha state. This state is where one's brain wave is at 8 Hz - 12 Hz or light relaxation state. Deeper state of meditation is achieved when one's brain wave is reduced between 4 to 7 Hz, this is the Theta state or deep relaxation state. However, the deepest state of meditation is when one's brain wave reaches between 0,5 - 3 Hz. This is called Delta state, the lowest human brain wave and is considered as deepest state of meditation.

One could get the most benefit of Meditation if he or she gets into Alpha or Theta state. In these states, not only physical body gets the benefit, one's spiritual growth will also be accelerated. Here are 3 secrets to enter these states.

First secret: understand the ultimate goal of Meditation itself, which is to become one with The Source. If one realizes that he is one with The Creator, he or she will not worry about which is the best meditation posture or which is the best meditation technique. Meditation becomes an enjoyable private moment and nothing will come between You and The Source. All worries, sadness, anger or any other discordant energy will not be part of your reality, replaced by Pure Unconditional Love.

Second secret: choose a meditation technique that involves an initiation using Divine Energy. If you receive an attunement with this Energy through a competent Master, not only your major Chakras are activated, but also your Divine Chakras. With activated, well balanced and fully developed Chakras, one will be able to expand his consciousness to the Universe and beyond. As the result, he or she could enter a deepest state of meditation in just seconds. A regular self-taught or classroom type meditation will also give you some benefit, but result will take quite a while, sometimes years.

Third secret: make Meditation a daily routine! . Just l ike anything else, it takes some effort to master meditation. Unlike any other regular technique, a Divine Energy based technique will improve your sensitivity and your psychic ability in no time, faster than any other technique could. If one could feel the flow of energy or even see it with Third Eye Chakra, meditation becomes very amusing. Most people don't even want to open their eyes and stop meditating, because when the energy activate their pineal, the sensation is very pleasant. For this reason, making meditation a daily routine will not be tough at all. After all, You don't need to spend hours, meditation with Energy from The Source will only take 15 minutes of your time daily.

About the Author

Alex I.Lee is the founder of Divine Love & Light Meditation Technique, a very simple meditation technique, making it easy for Everybody to experience deepest state of meditation in just a matter of seconds.

For more information on Divine Love&Lights Meditation go to Self Healing Meditation Techniques

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