Article by Joe Aponte

I believe that one of the problems the Church of Christ have today is that there is no unity as a body. One of the challenges is that they all have a different version of the religion, i.e., baptism vs. no baptism, and the like. Revelation clearly identifies this when it mentioned the many different churches and their short comings. Yet still today it continues to go on. We say we worship the Son and the Father but we do everything within our power to keep the body apart. There are many parts of the church that are beautiful but yet fragmented. Additionally, there is one thing that all denominations don't really talk about and that is; if there is a difference between Jesus is and the father. Is Jesus the Father or is Jesus the Son of the Father, or what is the story? The quandary here is that no one denomination can truly, without a shadow of a doubt in their spirit, says one or another answer is accurate. If so, they are lying out of passion for their beliefs. Some may refer to one theory from another to be heresy. However, scriptures alone cannot give you this answer unless you are walking spiritually conscious of the Father. Let us not confuse spiritual consciousness from Physical consciousness of which we know very well. Physical consciousness comes from the soul but spiritual consciousness can only come from the Father. Ladies and gentlemen, we have failed miserably in this arena. Since this subject could be a very long one, I will leave it here for now. However, I will continue to touch up on it and invite each and every reader to speak their mind. God bless you and may He lift the veils from your eyes. The church needs to be united in a way like never before, and I will be obedient and try to start the flame.

About the Author

I am the Author of 2 sides - "What God Wants You To Know"I am a realtorI am an owner of a medical billing support and accounts receivable business

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Working With Light, Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, Part 1 of 11

From the event "Mysticism & Global Transformation" with Adyashanti. November 19 and 20, 2005, Marin Jewish Community Center, San Rafael, California. Within the heart is the spark of oneness, our deep connection to the divine and to all of life. How can we awaken this connection that belongs to our soul and the soul of the world? How can our primal knowing of oneness come alive within ourself and within the world? Mysticism awakens us to our real power and potential, so that we can contribute fully at this time of global transition. It connects us with what is real: the Oneness of Life.

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