Using Hypnosis Mind Control for a More Relaxed Existence

Article by Christopher Lawson

When you are under hypnosis your focus is heightened, you have more concentration and you are more in touch with your emotions and your resolves. In this state, a person becomes calm and relaxed which allows them to concentrate on their emotions, thoughts or sensations and they will have the capability to block out distractions. The subconscious mind of the person becomes more active than their conscious mind. So when you think about it, hypnosis deals with the person's subconscious.

Since hypnosis deals with the person's subconscious, the person becomes more open to suggestion, so they lose their inhibitions to do things. A clear example would be when the subject is being hypnotized and being told that they are in the water, they will "feel" the cool water in their face, in their hands or in their feet as instructed. They will have the sensation of walking or splashing in the water, as suggested. They will "hear" the soothing sound of the cascading water. They get to "experience" these suggestions, and they are not inclined to question the suggestions. They just feel them and go ahead with the feeling, which is why there is a completely relaxed feeling when one is hypnotized.

It is important to note however that no matter how strong the suggestibility of an idea is, or how strong the suggestive power of the hypnotist is, the subconscious mind of the person strongly holds on to the basic values of morality. The person never betrays themselves and there is always a sense of safety. It means that a person's subconscious is still in the control and will refuse to do things like jump from the top of the building. Even though the person is in a trancelike situation when hypnotized, they still have control of their mind and body. They will not do things, even when strongly suggested, when these things are against their morals.

The power of hypnosis mind control comes in when the hypnotist uses suggestions and other therapeutic interventions to coach the subject into doing something to ! achieve their goals, or altering their way of thinking and feeling. The openness of the person to accept these suggestions while under a hypnotic state goes deeper into their subconscious mind. This is a very powerful tool for the hypnotist because when they know their subject very well, they will be able to access more information from the person and they will be able to drive the person into a more positive state. This will work very well for the person who is being hypnotized as it combines both relaxation and concentration and upon awakening they will feel refreshed.

It means that the person, while being subjected to hypnosis, can concentrate on their problems, anxieties, and the things which need improvement without losing control over their emotions. They still retain the feeling of being relaxed. The subject gets to absorb the important aspects and purpose of hypnosis, which will bring more positivity and happiness to their life.

About the Author

Do you want to increase your ability to persuade other people using conversational hynosis? Then visit for more information.

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Music For Deep Meditation. "Spirit of the Sound"

Music for Meditation. Artist: Gulan. Album: Spirit of the Sound. Track: Spirit of The Sound. The album consists of four tracks. Each one is different stages that show the approach the mind into the thoughtful condition and keeps it there. The four tracks are: * Transcendentia it triggers attentiveness * Spirit of the Sound it brings relaxation, and makes you travel deep into your internal space * Awakening it cleanse the mind, and encourage self realization * Altai 2 this is the end stage. It drag you out of your thoughtful state and maintains balance of mind attained throughout the earlier stages The exclusivity of this album is that there is no crest or go down in the music. Its soft, tranquil, and flows at the similar level, piercing into the inmost corners of your perception.

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