On being detached

Our original nature is not attached to phenomena.  Just as clay and gold are not attached to forms made of clay and gold, our original nature has never been attached to a single phenomenon.  

When we directly discover this nature for ourselves, we realize, for the first time, what non-attachment means.  We reflect that since beginningless time, our original nature has never been reborn into a single psychophysical body.  Given this fact, by discovering this nature, we also become detached in an instant.  This is what real non-attachment means.  Nobody can claim to be detached who as not directly apperceived their original nature.

If we fail to realize our original nature what does this mean for us?  It can only mean that we are still firmly attached to this psychophysical body of ours even though we might deny being attached to it a thousand times.  It also means that we are attached to the conditioned world since our original nature is unconditioned.  Being thus attached to the psychophysical body and the conditioned world we are always reborn into it.  This is samsara.

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