16 Excuses that Prevent You from Going After Your Dreams

"I shouldn't write this."

 "Nobody's going to read it anyway. So much has been written about this topic already."

"What if people hate my stuff?

What if they get bored to tears?"

"What business do I have teaching them something? Heck, am I even qualified to talk about this?"

These are only some of the thoughts that usually race through my head as I am writing a piece for a client.

I am trying to write a blog post, and I have written many in the past but I can't seem to start on this time.

I am drowning in the sea of self doubt and my mind insists on bringing every single negative thought to the surface.

Negative thoughts = Excuses in disguise.

And there are plenty of them out there – plenty that will arise whenever you are doing something important, something worthwhile.

Apply for a new job. Start your own business. Change careers. Publish content. Reach out to other people. Develop a product. Write a book.

These are only some of the areas in which the lizard brain will try to get you out of whatever you want to achieve.

And this lizard brain raises its ugly head in many shapes and forms. How many are you dealing with?

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