Binaural Beats for the Ultimate Relaxation

Article by Allison Mac

Relaxation is an absolute necessity in life and many of us simply don't get enough of it. Whether it is because of busy schedules or busy minds, relaxation tends to be a luxury instead of a mandatory part of each day. It is no secret that the ability to relax has been linked to better health, a more positive outlook on life and sharper focus and concentration. The trick is to find a way to force yourself to relax, at least for twenty minutes a day and binaural beats are the perfect tool to get the job done.

What are Binaural Beats?

Binaural beats are a series of tones and pulses that are presented to each ear through headphones. They help to control the brainwave frequencies and to bring them into a lower state that promotes relaxation, meditation and the ability to tap into the subconscious. By working with our brainwaves we can actually force ourselves to relax and the best part is that after a short session, the effects can last for much of the day.

Binaural beats have been documented and researched for over one hundred and seventy years and are used by corporations, businesses, athletes as well as many individuals all over the world. They are 100% safe and are a fantastic all natural alternative to taking drugs or any type of medication for relaxation, stress and anxiety.

Of course there are other things that you can do to help with relaxation. Here are a few options:

ExerciseMeditationDeep breathing

The problem with each of these things is that it can be very difficult to turn off the mind chatter and not only allow your body to relax but also to shut off the conscious mind and truly regenerate the body and mind.

With binaural beats you don't have to worry about that. They will present your brain with the right frequencies in order to bring you into a deep relaxed state. In fact the benefits you can receive from using binaural beats on a daily basis have been compared to the benefits one would receive from years of deep meditation practice.

In ! my own e xperience, no matter what is going on in my life or how stressed out I am feeling, I know that I can always plug into my brainwave entrainment software and calm myself right down. Often I will actually fall asleep afterwards so I have gotten into the habit of using them before I go to bed at night.

Relaxation is essential to our well being. If you can find a spare twenty minutes a day to tune into your binaural beats recording, you can create a much healthier body, mind and spirit and allow yourself the "luxury" of relaxation.

About the Author

To learn much more about relaxation with binaural beats visit where you'll find comprehensive brainwave entrainment reviews and our top 2 sources for binaural beats.

Destress Your Mind - A Relaxation Session

Do you ever feel like your life is nothing but stress? Then please let me make it easier for you. Sit back, relax and let me destress your body and soul :) Love Lilium

Video Rating: 4 / 5

Sleep Through Insomnia: Meditations to Quiet the Mind & Still the Body

Two mindfulness meditations blended with celestial music
guide you to the land of nod. Provides techniques that WORK,
delivering not only immediate results, but also internalizes skills
that you can draw on forever. Take the pressure and failure
out of insomnia as you learn how to break old patterns and
develop a wonderful new relationship with sleep.

The perfect audio to have on hand at all times for occasional or
chronic sleep problems -- No pills needed. Endorsed by hospitals,
airlines and psychologists. One of six audios in the Inner Mastery Series.

A Personal Note from KRS EDSTROM
I was lecturing several months after the Los Angeles
earthquake and a woman approached me afterwards.
She said You're with me every morning at about 4 a.m.
She laughed and explained that that was the time of the
earthquake and since then she had been waking up every
morning at that same time, unable to get back to sleep.
She cheerfully said that now she just puts on Sleep Through
Insomnia and drifts back off before it ends. I love those stories.

The Purpose of  the Inner Mastery Series
Sleep Through Insomnia is 1 of 6 titles from KRS Edstrom's
Inner Master Series. Mindfulness meditation is a non-denominational,
non-sectarian practice and the core technique used throughout
this series. Mindfulness cultivates an awareness of present moment
with open-palmed acceptance; an appreciation of now and whatever
it may contain. Imagery and breath techniques are also used to
enhance your meditation experience.

The purpose of the Inner Master Series is that you not only
experience results after each listen, but that you also develop
increasingly deeper skills to serve you in all of life s challenges.

Commonly c! onsidere d negatives such as pain, stress and insomnia
are transformed in a non-judgmental way that invites insight and
is both growth-promoting and freeing. Once perceived enemies turn
into welcome teachers. Similarly, everyday events such as watching
a bird soar, greeting a neighbor or putting on your socks are
experienced in a more mindful, complete way; a way that enriches
your relationship to self, spirit and thus, the rest of the world.

List Price: $ 16.95 Price: $ 11.08


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