Eye Relaxation Techniques - Help Save and Strengthen Vision The Natural Way

Article by Martin T Lane

These days, anybody that feels drained, burned out or has a few health issue may choose from a massive selection of body and mind relaxation solutions. Conventional or even exotic therapeutic massage techniques, aromatherapy, hydrotherapy - you mention it, your number of options is really limitless. In contrast, one of the most essential parts of our body - the eye, tends to be for some reason overlooked and relaxation can be seldom thought of as a part of any kind of vision health care program.

As peculiar as it can sound, vision relaxation is actually very important for our visual acuity. Because so many visual acuity issues tend to be brought on by eye strain, vision relaxation strategies are more often the only real decent application which can help people keep the eyes in shape as well as the eyesight - good.

Therefore, which vision relaxation methods are significantly good for vision and at what sort of frequency should relaxation treatment take place?

There are many vision relaxation methods and a individual may select those that they will like the best. However, whenever a person practices a particular all natural eyesight correction plan, they need to stay with the eye relaxation methods suggested in the plan.

Among the list of most basic and most efficient vision relaxation workouts is a technique that is known as Palming. It requires only a few moments and immediately relaxes the eye. That's the reason why Palming is highly encouraged to help working individuals who spend extended periods of time doing continuous eye work.

To carry out the palming exercise it is first important to sit down and relax completely. Take a few deep breaths. Lean forward and rest your elbows on your knees and close your eyes. Place your hands over your eyes with your fingers on your forehead and the heal of your hand on your cheekbone. Do not press to hard, make sure you can blink easily. That is all there is to it. It may sound crazy but doing this exercise will relax your eye! s and yo ur mind. It can make a huge difference to your eye strain issues if you practice this technique a few times a day

Let us point out quickly what sort of regular vision relaxation program should occur. To begin with you have to remove your glasses or disposable lenses. An individual relaxation treatment may take anything between 1 minute and 30 minutes. It is essential for you to relax not just the eyes but your body and mind as well.

Lastly, a word concerning the therapeutic ability associated with several vision relaxation methods. When I mentioned previously, vision relaxation is very important since it helps prevent the vision from a variety of vision problems. What you are most likely not aware of is that a few vision relaxation methods may cure refractive problems including near sightedness, far sightedness, astigmatism as well as lessen the pace of ageing vision.

About the Author

For more information on Eye Relaxation Techniquesand vision correction programs visit my site atproblemwithvision.com Martin T Lane

Solitudes: Natural Relaxation - the mind's eye

Solitudes: Natural Relaxation - the mind's eye

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Visual Thinking and Mind Maps

Using visual thinking and/or mind maps helps us to see the bigger picture of most subjects. Two things they have helped me with are (1) retraining my brain and (2) learning to flip the switch.

(1) The group therapy techniques that I have found to be the most effective for most addictions is cognitive (thoughts)-behaviorial (actions). The first main learning I had was in what is called cognitive restructuring. Simply put, I had to relearn how to think. I learned how to be what I call my observer self.

I never realized that my way of thinking everything was a major disaster was contributing to my life's disasters. In other words, I was creating the drama instead of just reacting to it. So I learned that if I created the drama, I could uncreate it. The simple technique I used was to shout "Stop!" at my obsessive thinking. Scream it loud enough and you tend to get your own attention.

I learned that my mind was out to get me--or, at the very least, my mind was out to control me. I think that I was addicted to feeling bad. The main reward from negative thinking is low expectations of ourselves. If you think you're not worth much, you don't have to do much.

Negative thinking or fear controlled my mind and therefore my emotions. I also have learned that feelings can't hurt me unless I hold on to them.

A technique that can help retain your brain is autogenic thinking. Autogenic training is similar to self-hypnosis. One of the first techniques learned is to focus on your breath. Instead of just inhaling and exhaling, inhale deeply and then exhale in two stages. The focus on inhaling and exhaling is not only good for your body but it focus the mind on something productive. You can focus on only one thought at a time. You can't focus on deep breathing and hold on to fear.

(2) Flipping the switch is what I call shifting your point of view. The two points of view that I am currently choosing between are scarcity thinking and prosperity thinking—th! e old gl ass half-empty or half full. The mind creates whatever thoughts we focus on. If I focus on what I don't have instead of what I do have, I am in scarcity mode.

One of my favorite teachers for the prosperity thinking is Catherine Ponder. She was a Unity Church minister who wrote in 1958 a great book, The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity. The book was written via a series of sermons during a recession. She established her belief in prosperity being available to everyone by teaching that the Bible teaching of "not serving God and Mammon" was right. This teaching meant not worshiping wealth but to always recognize who the Giver is.

She was the first I knew who recognized that the brain works by the mental images we produce. She also believed in projected positive images to others so that they can prosper also. With prosperity thinking, you focus on what is and what can be added to the wealth you already possess. I think of it as pyramid. At the base of the pyramid, I have the love of the God of my understanding, my health, my husband, my dog, my loved ones, my business, my home, my computers, the Internet, my spiritual program, my experiences, my plants, the canals, etc.

She also taught one of the spiritual laws I believe—giving away surplus to make room for new. When my cup is full, I have to empty it to get more. So it is with possessions, love, experiences, etc. I have to make room for the new.

Using visual thinking and/or mind maps helps us to see the bigger picture of most subjects. Two things they have helped me with are (1) retraining my brain and (2) learning to flip the switch.

(1) The group therapy techniques that I have found to be the most effective for most addictions is cognitive (thoughts)-behaviorial (actions). The first main learning I had was in what is called cognitive restructuring. Simply put, I had to relearn how to think. I learned how to be what I call my observer self.

I never realized that my way of thinking everyth! ing was a major disaster was contributing to my life's disasters. In other words, I was creating the drama instead of just reacting to it. So I learned that if I created the drama, I could uncreate it. The simple technique I used was to shout "Stop!" at my obsessive thinking. Scream it loud enough and you tend to get your own attention.

I learned that my mind was out to get me--or, at the very least, my mind was out to control me. I think that I was addicted to feeling bad. The main reward from negative thinking is low expectations of ourselves. If you think you're not worth much, you don't have to do much.

Negative thinking or fear controlled my mind and therefore my emotions. I also have learned that feelings can't hurt me unless I hold on to them.

A technique that can help retain your brain is autogenic thinking. Autogenic training is similar to self-hypnosis. One of the first techniques learned is to focus on your breath. Instead of just inhaling and exhaling, inhale deeply and then exhale in two stages. The focus on inhaling and exhaling is not only good for your body but it focus the mind on something productive. You can focus on only one thought at a time. You can't focus on deep breathing and hold on to fear.

(2) Flipping the switch is what I call shifting your point of view. The two points of view that I am currently choosing between are scarcity thinking and prosperity thinking—the old glass half-empty or half full. The mind creates whatever thoughts we focus on. If I focus on what I don't have instead of what I do have, I am in scarcity mode.

One of my favorite teachers for the prosperity thinking is Catherine Ponder. She was a Unity Church minister who wrote in 1958 a great book, The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity. The book was written via a series of sermons during a recession. She established her belief in prosperity being available to everyone by teaching that the Bible teaching of "not serving God and Mammon" was right. This teaching meant not worshiping w! ealth bu t to always recognize who the Giver is.

She was the first I knew who recognized that the brain works by the mental images we produce. She also believed in projected positive images to others so that they can prosper also. With prosperity thinking, you focus on what is and what can be added to the wealth you already possess. I think of it as pyramid. At the base of the pyramid, I have the love of the God of my understanding, my health, my husband, my dog, my loved ones, my business, my home, my computers, the Internet, my spiritual program, my experiences, my plants, the canals, etc.

She also taught one of the spiritual laws I believe—giving away surplus to make room for new. When my cup is full, I have to empty it to get more. So it is with possessions, love, experiences, etc. I have to make room for the new.

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