Article by (J) Marshall Wade


Have you ever introduced yourself to your mind? Mind you, it can be a very pleasant or a very scary experience...and I am here to tell you that there are some really scary minds on this beautiful orb we call Earth. I'm not speaking of the physical mind(the brain), but what makes us who we are.

Naturally, our mind is the result of many combinations of things. One of the most influencing factors are those folks who raised us, and another one is the environment/s in which we were raised. Of course, the types of schools we attended, and the different sorts of teachers are two more areas which took their parts in shaping us to what we are today. And we cannot forget those with whom we work and play. Plus, we must include how we interacted with all those humanoids and environments.

In other words, we are the exact sum total of everyone we met, everything we did, everywhere we went, everything we learned, and everything we thought. And if some of us wish to get a very rude awakening of the type of individual we have become, all that is necessary is to stand back and take a long, hard, and thoughtful look at who are friends are.

What do they do? Do they drink a lot? Do they read good books? Do they read anything at all? Do they curse a lot? Do they do it in public? Do they seem to have some morals and principles? Do we? If we do take a good look at our friends, and we are not happy with our results, then it is time to find new friends.

As we are all aware, we have within ourselves the total power to control all that we say, do, and think... we can be any type of person we wish to be. We can transform our entire being through reading, writing of ourselves(self discovery), learning of what makes excellent moral character, and then incorporating it all into our everyday thoughts, words, and actions. Of course, by acting upon positive attributes, we cannot help but be an extremely positive influence upon all those with whom we co! me into contact with. And of natural course, we will attract good people who will be a great plus in our lives, and therefore enjoy our everyday lives even more.

When we apply what it takes to condition ourselves to learn of ideals and actions that will transform us from a lowely state in our mental and physical worlds, we will soon begin to notice how very much we regenerating ourselves into a human being who is suddenly accomplishing that which we had no thought of completing before. By the very law of cause and effect, we will soon control almost all that is around us...our attitudes will become positive, we will soon improve upon our everyday lives, we will soon discover that much of the stress and depression in our lives are no longer an influence.

As we are all motivated by that which we fear, and that which makes us happy, we will one day awaken to find that all of our fears are slowly disappearing into the misty diminsion of foreverness, and that our everyday happiness increases in direct proportion to the improvement of our attitude, and our positive learning. As an added advantage, we soon realize that our confidence in oursleves is greatly increasing, and that there is a bright light at the end of every dark tunnel.

If we face some chore that has to be faced, and we just seem to know that it is going to be an un-pleasant experience, then we need to change our attitude towards it. And altering our attitude is not near as hard as you may believe.

For instance; we wake up in the morning, and while we are stretching, we think to ourselves: "I cannot believe I have to go to work on such a lovely day...dang, I hate that!" Of course we have already convinced ourselves that we are going to have a terrible day. Why not take the easy way to change our mind?

So we ask ourselves, what do we do when we "play"? We use our muscles, talk, walk, converse with others, think, look, feel, sometimes we are glad, and sometimes we are mad. Isn't that the same things we do when we "work"?! Of cour se it is! Now, we go inside our head, look up the word "drudgery," scroll down to the word "work," click on it and drag it over to, and under, the word "happiness." Now we say to ourselves when we first wake up: "Oh man, what a beautiful day! And the really neat thing about today is that I get to go to work, have lots of fun, and even get paid to do it."

As we all know, our minds are no different than computers...garbage in - garbage out! Therefore, since we live our lives in our minds, we can make our lives a living hell, or a living heaven. Our brains are going to consider work something we hate only if we tell it so. If we keep telling ourselves over and over that "work" is "play", then the mind will eventually consider that as reality, and our attitude will change.

Practice that with everything and everyone you consider negative, and one day you'll wake up and be mindful of the fact that your mind has changed...not sure about you, but I wouldn't mind that!

About the Author

Motivation Remedies Ways Ideas Tickles Purples Tips

Mindfulness Meditation

Ron Ragel explains the science of mindfulness or insight meditation

Video Rating: 5 / 5

Letting Everything Become Your Teacher: 100 Lessons in Mindfulness

Yes, there actually is a way to let everything become your teacher, to let life itself, and everything that unfolds within it, the "full catastrophe" of the human condition in the words of Zorba the Greek, shape your ongoing development and maturation. Millions have followed this path to greater sanity, balance, and well-being, often in the face of huge stress, pain, uncertainty, sorrow, and illness.

In his landmark book, Full Catastrophe Living, Jon Kabat-Zinn shared this innovative approach, known as mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), with the world. Now, in this companion volume, 100 pointers from that groundbreaking work have been carefully selected to inspire you to embrace what is deepest and best and most beautiful in yourself.

Whether you are trying to learn patience, cope with pain, deal with the enormous stress and challenges of the age we live in, improve your relationships, or free yourself from destructive emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, these deceptively simple meditations will remind you that you have deep inner resources to draw upon, the most important of which is the present moment itself. Regardless of your age or whether you are familiar with the healing power of mindfulness, this insightful, inspirational guide will help you to honor, embrace, learn from, and grow into each moment of your life.

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