17 Ways To Remove Stress From Your Life Once And For All

Modern life can be stressful but there are some key things you can stop doing that will remove stress from your life and give you back your sense of calm.

1. Stop being so hard on yourself. You will mess up sometimes. Learn from it, and let it go. You're never going to be perfect and get everything right. Stop expecting yourself to. Instead, notice the things you are good at, that do go right, that don't mess up. Notice your funny quirks, little talents and goofy features. Love them for their own sake. Notice all of the ways you're pretty cool and stop sweating the other stuff you're not yet good at.

2. Stop being so hard on the world. Unrealistic expectations are one of the root causes of unwanted stress and pressure. Life will not go smoothly so stop expecting it to. Accept life with all its glorious messiness. Kids will be noisy. Trains will be late and traffic lights will be on red at times. Accept it. You can't control it so why get frustrated by it? Breathe and let it go.
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