Mind returning to Mind

Right meditation begins with our ordinary mind singularizing itself (ekakara) thus reaching a point at which the essence or substance of mind, i.e., pure Mind is vividly and directly apperceived   This incidentally, is where the notion of 'no-mind' comes from which is discussed in Zen literature.  No-mind pertains to the absolute cessation of mental fluctuations in which mind returns to its natural state, that is, pure Mind.  In such a state, in the midst of the empty, constructed world, one is continually able to pierce through the phenomenal veil and commune with pure Mind.

Mind returning to pure Mind which is increate, is something that can only be described as an earth shaking experience because it has never been previously accomplished owing to the power of ignorance (avidya).  It might be argued that this experience is subjective.  But for the practitioner who has penetrated into the heart of pure Mind by meditation, Mind is a real object—an object that the goes beyond the domain of the senses.   

For the ordinary Buddhist practitioner who wishes to singularize their ordinary mind, it will prove to be an exceedingly difficult undertaking.  The reason for this is that any form of mentation, i.e., mental activity, automatically hides pure Mind which transcends any and all mental efforts.  Until access to pure Mind is gained there is no actual accomplishment of meditation.   

Those who believe, otherwise, in the effectiveness of sitting meditation (J., zazen) are really deluding themselves by believing that taking up a particular posture brings them closer to the goal.  It doesn't.  They are still in an existential trance, so to speak.  They are still captivated by the phenomenal world believing in a physical means to awakening.


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