Ten Ways To Keep Your Parents From Moving In With You That You Never Thought Of

One side effect of the recent recession has been young adults moving back in with their parents, or not being able to move out at all after college because they can't find a job.

Those who have successfully flown the coop can face a different problem—parents who want to move in with them. There can be numerous reasons for this. Maybe the folks have financial difficulties and lose their house, or one party dies, leaving the other unable to take care of the family home alone.

Some older people suffer from empty nest syndrome after all the kids grow up and move out, or become lonely and depressed from being alone.

For whatever reason, one or both of your parents may decide they want to move in with you. If this is the last thing you want, you'll need to think ahead and have ways to counteract their plan with one of your own.  Before I get into the list I should note that my parents mean a lot to me.  These are just some creative ways that may come in handy if you find yourself having this discussion with your parents.
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