Identifying The Common Symptoms Of Stress

Article by Victoria Norton

Every individual suffers from and reacts to stress in different ways but the signs are almost always similar. These can exist in many areas of our lives, from our physical health, to our relationships to our job performance. While it's normal to experience a certain amount of stress in everyday life, it's important to be able to control it and not let it build up. Still, you may be unable to control the symptoms of stress, which are outlined below, so we suggest asking for assistance from family and friends, perhaps even professional consultations.

Weight gain or loss could be caused from stress. Skipping meals means that you could be missing out on necessary nutrients. Some people also develop eating disorders that are stress-related, and these can also cause an unnatural reduction in weight. You can gain weight by eating the wrong kinds of foods or overeating. This is often referred to as emotional eating since you are ultimately using food to feel better emotionally. This can cause obesity. If stress is changing your eating habits, you should be aware of this and take steps to manage it.

A serious side effect of stress is high blood pressure. Stress can be a contributing factor to high blood pressure, along with diet and genetics. Stress can easily make high blood pressure worse.

Eliminating or reducing stress can help you lower your blood pressure and maybe even prevent you from developing it at all. Controlling your blood pressure should be at the top of your list as to why it's essential to keep stress at a minimum in your life.

Headaches are a symptom of people who are under a lot of stress. You should see a doctor if you experience headaches frequently. Migraines are the worst type of stress-related headaches.

Aside from headaches, stress can cause you to clench your jaw or grind your teeth, which can lead to dental problems or TMJ. These are but a few examples of how stress can lead to physical symptoms that can get worse over time if you don't find a way t! o deal w ith the underlying problem. Many physical symptoms vanish as people learn to manage their stress.

You have many options for maintaining and treating the stressors we've discussed here just as there are many symptoms of stress. Change your situation to meet your stress reduction needs rather than simply trying to treat the symptoms. For example, if stress is giving you a headache and you take aspirin, it may get rid of your headache, but the stress can then appear somewhere else. If you find effective ways to deal with the underlying cause, you can improve the quality of your life in many ways.

About the Author

Victoria's websites: Empty Bottles, Japanese Pottery, Miniature Bottles and Old Glass Bottles.

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