Conscious Convergence 17th July and 18 July - another step towards the unity of consciousness Mayan calendar end of world

Article by Shanthi Kapur

There is nothing in the fire burns from the sky, so to speak, and we can this week to prepare the balance, rejuvenation and to set up our intentions with the weekend Conscious Convergence.

I do not know about you, but I had a ball yesterday with the eclipse. He described last week as one of the universal Eclipse open the windows so that we can improve our awareness and restart after this period of darkness into a new perspective on a higher level of understanding. There will be a new Antichrist as per Mayan calendar end of world I feel like yesterday with a day of meditation, contemplation and communion with the divine. I attended two events at the device every day and I was deeply moved and grateful to be part of this transition in human consciousness may be higher. It is so delicious!

If you read my weekly reports from a star, while the Zodiac constellations we had a lot of the changing times we are, and we all feel that is happening around us represent. All persons must face with Mayan calendar end of world

Change is in the air

People feel that the economy shifted to the right under the feet lose their jobs and their financial security. The country has never been threatened by the pollution man stimulation exercises Nuclear and earthquakes and tsunamis is an incredible sensitivity to cleaning our own nest, they are so dependent. We must change to survive as a species! We want a change for the better!

And we creatures are so awesome! I hope that peace is threatened with extinction that are sufficiently motivated to find solutions. Nostradamus most of the predictions turned to be true so Mayan calendar end of world end of the earth can happens in real There are more solutions and alternatives so you might think. As the great inventor Nikola Tesla invented free energy endlessly over a hundred years. Watch this video. I was very impressed! But I'm not surprised that most of us have not heard of this amazing inventor, even if it is at the forefront in many aspects of t! he techn ology used today have been. Greed and power of the rich and the Morgans and Rockefellers have been the driving force behind a power source sell commercial energy, which they could control, such as oil and gas. People are afraid with Mayan calendar end of world They are not interested in free energy!

Raise our hearts to the highest in Chakra

My point is that while the decisions and choices are dictated by our animal nature, the consciousness of the low rate of survival, greed and power (the lower three chakras) of the separate ego in control of that level car. People say that the predictions of Mayan calendar end of world has something to do with the Mayan Calendar We have the higher chakras heart and conscience of the unit looks to be a completely different level.

Many prophecies about the possibility of a quantum leap in human consciousness in 2012. The Hopi speak of two heart-ed people should raise the consciousness of unity. The Mayan calendar has many important data, announced by the change in the consciousness of unity in 2012. And we get to one of these important dates this weekend. would sound Mayan calendar end of world end of the world, pass through an asteroid earth a negative effect on the Earth.

I just saw the video of Carl Calleman and I like the honesty and down to earth attitude of the famous researcher of the Mayan calendar and its importance to us. It is no exaggeration of the new era of great benefit.

Move into the community of the unit in 2012 as a chance for humanity to step into the consciousness of unity. Unit or describe both a higher state of consciousness blossomed a heart center based on the experience of the truth: we are all one! If Mayan calendar end of world will really be true, then we must prepare for survival Only if it is an experience not only to believe, or is just positive thinking, that the power to change the hearts of us.

The Conscious Convergence July 17/18

It is an astrological event that we speak, but never least I think! , import ant enough to be silent. Carl Calleman calls for changes after a wave of consciousness. As per Mayan calendar end of world there will be a new Antichrist. He describes it as an opportunity for us individually to establish clear on the intention to make a chunk of change and I want to really experience the unity of consciousness in us. For there is also a quiet week astrologically we can our intention in this respect from.

"For the first time some of the best known and respected elders of the Mayan civilization: Don Alejandro, Don Rigoberto Hunbatz Itzep and men, including signaling through their ceremonies in the West that" it is time to "be on the East Chinese-Indian. Everyone have to face Mayan calendar end of world Convergence in Singapore and Bali. The people of northern Scandinavia and South in the roots of the tree of life to meet totalattend the Bushmen, the representatives of the oldest surviving culture on earth for the first time in an event like this, of course, with many others in South Africa. "Carl Calleman

Is it true or not?

Do for me personally and as an astrologer to make more sense to meet a week before the weekend of the eclipse. But what a week in the cosmic panorama? Mayan calendar end of world predictions may be true, If you think this is important or not, only the object of so many people around the world, about his intentions to try to awaken his true heritage as a spiritual being, a truly extraordinary life manifest on this planet should be reason enough to to join forces.

We have the power to our hearts and hands all over the world to unite this weekend and feel part of a spirit. Lets dance together and have fun! More Nostradamus predictions proved true that Mayan calendar end of world end of the earth can be done in real time

What a wonderful and exciting! I always liked the movement to unite the intentions and focus, because I know how powerful they are. Here you can find events near you and take your heart desires.

I am very happy and hope! to get in touch with spirit this weekend, Aloha and the many benefits, Shakti.

Shakti Carola Navras: astrologer, author and jewelry People are afraid of Mayan calendar end of world

If you want this product and my view of things, you can use my free weekly newsletter with the latest universal astrological powers of gems & special offers units to encourage them to subscribe, use them wisely to create a successful and happy life.

Many people hear the weather report on the radio, before moving to the door in the morning so that they are prepared for the next few days. If Mayan calendar end of world is really going to be true then we have to prepare for survival

Shakti Carola Navras Astrological Weather Report Blog Healing Gems Signs and prepare the same way: you are here deliberately universal forces at work in the present moment, so that your reaction to anything that can I maximize and find their efforts with the current trends for a cosmic successful and happy life.

As any surfer will say here in Hawaii, it is always easier to go with the tide against them. Life also has a stream that flows from the universal forces. Have awareness and understanding of the law, you can learn in harmony with the flow of universal forces in his life by realizing their goals and dreams. We have heard much about the predictions of Mayan calendar end of world today. To read with astrology and interpret the universal forces at work in a given period is a real advantage in their ability to cope with life's challenges and to be ready to seize the opportunities as they arise are given.

One way is to align with the universal forces that are working with the metaphysical qualities of precious stones and crystals for health, energy and balance. mayan calendar end of worldshows as the world endsI invite you into the mystical world of light, precious stones, which connects us with the whole of creation from the microcosm to the macrocosm.

About the Author

Shanthi Kapur is a writer on Mayan calendar end of the world 2012 topics


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