Evolution of Consciousness Mayan calendar end of world

Article by Shanthi Kapur

2012 - The Mayan Calendar - The Age of Aquarius - Going through a cosmic cloud

Whichever path you are looking for is the fact that humanity is on the verge of the most striking change in the history of mankind since Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden (or tadpoles grew legs and walked on the earth, if you want the theory) . Nostradamus most of the predictions turned to be true so Mayan calendar end of world end of the earth can happens in real The recognition of global warming and our role in the cause of which is a symptom of that change. The realization that we - people - has seriously contributed to the extinction of species on the planet at an alarming rate, is another symptom. Peak Oil is different. Economic collapse is another. People are afraid with Mayan calendar end of world In fact, you have to unconscious or deep denial not to see that the planet is run by a huge transformation.

Many see this as the apocalypse - the end of the world. And depending on how things go, it can be. But just as the Mayan calendar is often interpreted as predicting the end of the world (in fact requires that the end of an era that defined by time and space), is the apocalypse, as the end of the world misunderstood. People say that the predictions of Mayan calendar end of world has something to do with the Mayan CalendarThe true meaning of the word apocalypse, "a revelation of something most people in an era of falsehood and error, ie dominated hidden is revealed, the veil."

What was hidden from most of humanity for thousands of years the true identity and purpose of humanity. And where is the secret key was hidden? Not the highest mountain or deep in the ocean or buried under the Sphinx in the desert. No - this "secret" was never intended to be a secret at all. It is in every human being who ever walked on earth. Exist, with me and in you. Why it was not called in the vernacular? would sound Mayan calendar end of world end of the world, pass through an asteroid earth a negative effect on the! Earth. The layers of lies and errors accepted and passed on from generation to generation - because they are buried by the "veil" is mentioned. Oh, it has over the centuries that have lifted the veil for themselves and many have been honored - Abraham, Isaac, David, Jesus, Buddha, Confucius, Mahatma Gandhi, Lao Tzu, Chief Seattle and others. If Mayan calendar end of world will really be true, then we must prepare for survival She tried to show his way the way for others to get out under the veil, but no one could lift the veil of humanity in your body.

Today we see an evolution in consciousness comes to the fore. We are approaching a critical mass - the number of people to do what no one has succeeded the great spiritual leaders of the past, doing it for themselves - to transform the planet. It is not necessary that all $ 7000000000 (or 8 now?) We have from this change in consciousness. As per Mayan calendar end of world end of the world, an asteroid moving towards the earth it would have negative impact on the earth. As the rudder of a boat is a small component of the ship, but also determines what kind it moves, it takes only a relatively small proportion of the population of the earth, the importance of humanity and the planet to be determined. How many people? Some say 144,000. Personally, I do not know what the number is, but I think we are approaching that number. Read hear magazines, films, radio, surf the Internet and listen to the voice of the spiritual helmet everywhere. If Mayan calendar end of world is really going to be true then we have to prepare for survival One is a new radio program that I am privileged to have hosting. This is called "The Evolution of Consciousness" and people from all backgrounds who are in their own way to meet, help to lift the veil, so can the human race choose to accept our true identity - the divine presence - here to manage the planet and bring heaven to earth.

We are not here to predict the demise of the earth, but in the evolution of consciousness, and t! hat the planet's place in the good life, the concept will involve the development again. We have heard much about the predictions of Mayan calendar end of world today.

Larry Pearlman - Marketing, Media and Sunrise Ranch Programs

In fact, there are those who think like you and understand that we have something else to do when the planet is to survive and mankind is about to take our place as stewards of the earth.

"The Evolution of Consciousness" is part of the "What We Need to Know" series every Thursday at 11:00 PST Contact Talk Radio Clock. mayan calendar end of world shows as the world ends

About the Author

Shanthi Kapur is a writer on Mayan calendar end of the world 2012 topics

The Secrets of Spiritual Healing - Part III

Third Part of Mitchell Gibson's Spiritual Healing Lectures; Recorded Live at the 2007 International Science and Consciousness Conference in Santa Fe New Mexico.. The International Science and Consciousness Conference is one of the most widely attended and prestigious spirituality conferences in the world. It is held annually at the beautiful La Fonda Hotel in downtown Santa Fe. In April 2007, Dr. Gibson presented a seminar entitled: The Secrets of Spiritual Healing. This seminar was filmed in front of a live audience and contains never before released information regarding the true secrets of spiritual healing that Dr. Gibson has learned over the last ten years. The seminar is delivered in two parts. This is an excerpt from this seminar.....you may find more information about Dr. Gibson and his work on the Amazon and Tybro.com websites.

Video Rating: 4 / 5


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