Using Hypnosis Mind Control On Yourself And Others

Article by Cliff Yvon

One thing that allows hypnosis mind control to stand out from other methods that people use to reprogram their subconscious mind is that it is not limited on who it can be used by. Hypnosis mind control can successfully be used on yourself, but it can also be used just as effectively on others. However, before you can use hypnosis mind control on yourself or others you will need to have a basic understanding of how the subconscious mind works and what techniques work best with hypnosis mind control.

Part of understanding how the subconscious mind works is understanding what it is. The subconscious mind is the part of your mind that handles and controls certain thoughts and actions, mainly the irrational ones. Your subconscious mind is in charge of all of your feelings and no matter how hard you might try repressing any of your feelings is almost impossible. However, if you know how to successfully use hypnosis mind control you will be able to influence your subconscious mind, which will give you control over all of your feelings, but can also help you influence others. One of the best things about using hypnosis mind control on yourself and others is that the techniques you would use on others are the same ones that you would use on yourself.

One question that many people ask when it comes to using these techniques is if they are safe to use. The answer to this question is that if they are used properly and for the right reasons they are perfectly safe to use, in fact many professionals use hypnosis as a means of helping people achieve their goals. For example, somebody who has tried everything to quit smoking might undergo hypnosis as a final means of breaking the bad habit. What the therapist is doing is using hypnosis mind control to influence that person's subconscious mind in order to help them quit smoking.

With hypnosis mind control the first thing that must be accomplished, whether it is for yourself or somebody else, is they need to be in a relaxed state, but they also ! have to be concentrating on something to help keep them relaxed. One of the biggest misconceptions that people have with hypnosis is that people who are under hypnosis are asleep. The truth is with hypnosis people are fully awake, but they are so relaxed that any suggestions that are made can penetrate the subconscious mind with ease.

One of the best things about using hypnosis mind control on yourself or on others is how successful it is. If you talk to anybody who has undergone any type of hypnosis, you will hear about how it has changed their lives. Hypnosis can be used to alter people's perception of themselves or even change the way that they think. Once a person is in that fully relaxed state the suggestions that are being made need to be customized based on what one hopes to achieve. For example, if you put yourself into a hypnotic state to help alter the way you think about yourself once in the relaxed state you will want to listen to tapes that send a positive message about yourself.

However, while hypnosis mind control can be beneficial it also has some downfalls. Before using hypnosis on yourself or on others, you will want to find out more about the disadvantages to ensure you are making the right choice. One of the worst things about hypnosis is that certain people abuse it, they use it to get others to do things that are wrong, or they use it to scam these people out of something. However, when it is used by the right people for the right reasons it is one of the best tools around.

Hypnosis mind control is safe for anybody to use, no lasting harm can be done to yourself or others, as long as it is used for the right reasons. Hypnosis can be done by just about anybody who knows how, but if there are serious issues that need to be dealt with it is recommended to see a hypnotherapist because of how fast they can reach into your subconscious mind.

About the Author

Cliff Yvon is passionate about the study of the subconscious mind and the significant impact it brings on personal development. He loves to share valuable resources about hypnosis mind control. To learn more about mind power, subscribe to his FREE mini-course by visiting him online at


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