Norristown Area teacher recalls long road to recovery

LIMERICK — In the drama that defined Kristi Morrisroe Hertzog's life at the beginning of the year, it's 2011's closing chapter with the happiest of endings that most people will probably remember — including Kristi and her husband Dave.


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Pineal Gland Activator : OPEN YOUR THIRD EYE ! Relax Meditation Music 11.11.11

The Pineal Gland is the seat of Christ Consciousness. It is the site of your Third Eye which is located between your two physical eyes. The metaphysical qualities or attributes of the Seventh Chakra include link with the Higher Self, ability to access the Akashic Records (Book of Life), and spirituality. When you physically die (transcend the flesh-body), your soul exits the body via the Seventh Chakra. The soul also leaves during astral projection and dream state via the Seventh Chakra. The Seventh Chakra deciphers and decodes the mysteries of life. It links us with the Universe. This chakra is very important and many of the spellbinding writings of the brilliant SunofTruth (and my own) bear witness to the importance of this chakra (energy center, vortex) and physical gland which is why it is important for you to know how to tap into it, to stimulate it for your spiritual growth and development. If you want to meet with God face to face like Jacob did in Genesis 32:30 of the Bible, you have to tap into the Pineal Gland. The isle of pe-ni-el of Genesis 32 is a corruption of ?Äúpi-ne-al.?Äù The isle of pe-ni-el in Genesis 32 is the Pineal Gland which is a pea-sized gland that has shrunken in the average human being due to degeneration. The best tools for Pineal stimulation and activation are crystals. The following crystals or stones placed over the Third Eye (6th charka, which also corresponds to the Pineal Gland). These stones include: Amethyst, Charoite, Dumitorite ...

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