Tantra Sex Sensual Pleasure of Eroticism Spiritual Ecstasy, What is Your Opinion

Article by Adrinna Smith

"This Article is only information based, Please Don't react to it, my intention is not to hurt anyone's religious view and feeling....I am really feel sorry If I am hurting anyone's feeling"

Tantra is one of the more self proposals peculiar that have been generated, and dedicated to uniting and harmonizing that looks at first glance irreconcilable: the sensual pleasure of eroticism spiritual ecstasy and inner growth.Tantra as energy blockages that require time to be overcome through Meditation and self-analysis in which follow these points: First, it requires willingness and tranquility, which is achieved by remembering that you are not the only person with problems, and we've all struggled at times. Going to the source of resistance, that is, remember when that was generated fear and write with detail that is very important because the expressive and "shape" the healing begins, as found Psychoanalysis. Interpret that fear and relate destructive thoughts and possible traumatic experiences. For example, a woman who refuses to be caressed might have repressive childhood education or have been beaten, so feel insecure and avoid close contact. Given the opportunity to feel fear. Maybe it's the hardest part because it can create uncertainty, pain and tears should bring to mind an unpleasant memory, but must do so to feel a release of energy that take sexuality fully, and understanding the world and life without rancor.

This should not lead to think that all instruction implies suffering, much of the training consists of exercises relaxing and coordination, such as those on olfactory awareness and taste, in which odors are perceived and guessed or food with eyes closed; This activity is usually paid to play and improvisation, as when someone makes a joke on his partner and begins to mix flavors to make more difficult test.

Another amusing moment occurs when participants imitate the arrangement that existed during the meeting, say the Hindus, led to the world. As the legend has it t! hat Shiv a gave Shakti honors to reveal to him their secrets, and in correspondence she danced in front of him, tantra practitioners evoke this made as follows: the male is devoted to preparing and hearty breakfast served in bed only to your partner (he can not accompany her, to touch or lean), so that worships as a sacred being, while on another occasion, she can dance naked in front of her lover to invite you to come and correspond their kindness and attention.

Amatory SecretsSo far we have addressed some practices awareness and their results, but has not mentioned anything about intercourse, this is not casual, since it is understood that essence of Tantra is not sex, but they are a route to greater international understanding, and to assume a great sex requires self-control.

The latter is a key for a change radical and positive impact on the individual's attitude toward life. We said previously that, unlike other philosophies, Tantrists permitted to drink or eat what you want, but as they overcome their fears and he loves himself, acquire the wisdom that excessive damage your body. Thus, it is deprived of anything, but prevents exceeded.

Self-control plane within the meaning of sexuality and the vital importance that is missing in our traditional education societies, especially the men receive. In general, males think that the end of any close relationship is intercourse, through which will generate an orgasm them pleasure tantra however, reverses this approach and allows for a more pleasant contact, sensual, intense and, of course, long-lasting.

Rather than be overcome by anxiety, the man Tantrists learn to wait and take the unhurried lovemaking, to achieve Special emphasis is placed on breath control and the body relaxation, as this can make slight movements, harmonious and pleasing rhythm. Sex researchers have found studies the accuracy of this attitude, since it has been shown that breathing increases to be an impending orgasm, and that consciously slowing and deepening the rhythm ! of inhal ation and exhalation has significant impact on control ejaculation.

It is clear that a prolonged and sensual relationship allows to closer union between the couple and increase self-awareness the individual as well as consistent with the idea of making himself body in a "sacred temple." But that's not all the proposed tantra the male one second major change in his thinking, which is to learn that orgasm and ejaculation are not the same.

Tantrists discovered centuries ago that the sensation ecstasy or climax in a sexual relationship is possible without emission of semen, but also that once the ejaculation occurs inevitably lose the penis rigid. In this way, through practices achieved certain "split" an act of the other and get a result truly remarkable: the ability to have multiple orgasms without losing erection.

One of the most common exercises to achieve this goal aims to exercise the sphincter and responsible for the expulsion of semen. The first step is to identify these tissues, which is achieved by interrupting the expulsion of the urine stream 10 times per occasion for a week. The muscles that contract to do is precisely which must be toning.

Once you have recognized this area, you can contract and relax standing, lying, walking or sitting, gradually increasing the number of contractions to approximately 300 per day, so that the muscle sphincter control and will subject to the requirement of the practitioner. The effectiveness of this technique is so remarkable that it is often recommended by specialists to counter premature ejaculation.

Finally, work remains to say that tantra does, indeed, a remarkable and beneficial change in the way of life and take on sexuality, if however, worth noting that this is a way requiring the instruction of an experienced teacher, so if you want to get started in this discipline would recommend going to foundations or partnerships established and duly registered. Beware of teachers to ensure rapid changes in the exercise of personal lif! e and av oid them away if you propose to you or your partner hold relationships.

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