Matcha tea-potion to better health

Article by Kate Prescott

The Chinese adage goes "Better to be deprived of food for three days than tea for one." The truth contained in the phrase is felt most by tea lovers for whom a sip of their favorite tea type is like a glimpse of an oasis in midst of dry sands of desert.

Matcha is one of the rare varieties where the entire leaf is consumed. Once the tea is plucked, the same if steamed and dried and the veins are separated. The dried leaves are then stored in some cold place. After several months, the leaves are taken out of the freezing unit and crushed into grains by grinder. Matcha tea being rich in Catechin Polyphenols is one of the rare varieties of antioxidants which contribute to prevent cardiovascular diseases and elongates the aging process.

The origin of Matcha tea dates back to China. The Chinese legend goes that the tea was first discovered by Emperor Shen Nong who has a fascination of herbs. The king tasted various herbs in search of medical values and had once ended up in poisoning himself. It was then he found the Matcha herb which helped him to fight back the toxins and cured him completely. Ever Since then, Matcha tea has been a popular part of Chinese culture. Apart from china, Japan too specializes in yielding fine quality of Matcha. Prior to harvesting the plantation, Japanese farmers cover the tea with shades. Due to shading, the plants are unable to reach for the sunlight; they try to compensate the loss by increasing the chlorophyll content of their leaves. This causes the shoots to develop into larger and fine quality of tea with a better texture and flavor. It is best recommended to consume Matcha tea six months after its packaging as after this period the beverage looses its flavor in no time.

In addition to the fact that tea make a refreshing drink to ease off your days' fatigue, a typical green tea consists of ample health benefits which are hard to ignore. Matcha tea is a typical green tea variety well known for its health properties. The beverage rich in vitamins, ! minerals and rich anti-oxidants is a real energy booster and the effect is felt for hours after the tea is being entirely consumed. Match is a tea variety which is being yielded from top quality green tea and contains more health benefits than its counterparts.

Match tea is low in calories and helps in reducing blood Cholesterol level. Additionally it puts a check on blood sugar and blood pressure levels and cultivates strong immunity power to fight back harmful germicides. Matcha is the most widely consumed green tea variety across Japan. This simply explains the fact as to why the country has more life expectancy rate than any other country across globe. Matcha tea forms an essential part of Zen Buddhism and was its consumption forms a popular practice among Buddhist monks. It is no wonder refined health properties of the beverage provide them further impetus in the quest of their spiritual journey.

About the Author

Kate Prescott is a professional cook and likes to experiment on various cuisines, beverages, gourmet tea types, Matcha Tea and loose tea leaf that adds flavor to different connoisseurs.

Melbourne Zen Hospice: Being with Living and Dying on the "No-Fold" Path

Seikan Cech at "Buddhism Today: One Founder Many Paths", June 2010

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