Wrinkle Reduction: Face-Saving Tips!

Article by Tommy Engan

Wrinkle reduction doesn't have to be hard. In some of my other articles, I've listed a lot of techniques and recipes that can work wrinkle reduction wonders. In this particular one, I'm breaking it down to basics, with eight common-sense wrinkle reduction tips you can use to look and appear young looking. Here they are:

1. Exercise regularly. This creates excellent circulation, which is needed for all body functions, including the ones that keep you young and energetic.

2. Take a flaxseed oil supplement every day. Flaxseed oil is the richest vegetable source of omega-3 fatty acids, and essential in keeping the skin lubricated and supple. A must-have in your wrinkle reduction artillery.

3. Avoid alcohol. Alcohol dehydrates and adds toxins to a system that's already overworked with food chemicals/preservatives, environmental pollution, etc. The exception to this is red wine, as it contains powerful, youth-preserving antioxidants. In other words, enjoy your daily glass of wine with a clean conscience.

4. Take care of your teeth - they, along with your jaw bone, form the frame that holds your skin in place. Besides, white teeth vs yellow teeth generally takes 5 years or more off of your appearance.

5. Eat blueberries. They are jam-packed with those essential antioxidants that fight skin-damaging free radicals.

6. Hydrate - drink water! Start with 2 twenty-ounce bottles per day and work your way up to about five-six. WARNING: Don't drink the water from the bottle itself, as the sucking motion can actually cause "smokers lip", aka wrinkles around the mouth.

7. Avoid the "3 Evil S's": stress, sun and smoke. These three factors will dramatically increase lines, wrinkles, eye puffiness and other signs of aging. The first one - stress - is maybe the hardest one to handle, but it can be done. If you're experiencing high levels of stress, consider taking a yoga or meditation class - you'll be pleasantly surprised at how the quality of life will increase just by reduci! ng stress. The second culprit - smoking, isn't that easy either, but again, it can be done. Finally, STAY OUT OF THE SUN! The sun is the #1 cause of aging we know of, so that one should be a no-brainer. If you must be in the sun, be sure to use sun-protection cream.

8. Cleanse your face every morning and night, followed by the application of a quality anti aging / wrinkle reduction cream.

Good luck!

For more tips, visit http://antiagingreviews.com

About the Author

Tommy Engan is a successful and passionate anti aging writer who specializes in wrinkle reduction. Start looking forward to a younger you - visit Tommy's favorite site on Wrinkle Reduction</em>

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