Fast Weight Loss For Women-Reducing Stress At Work Helps You Lose The Fat At Home

Article by Alex Winner

Stress at work is a killer. It can come from working for a company who is in financial difficulties because of the far reaching poor economic conditions of the world today.

Or you may have stress from working with rude and nasty co-workers. Some fellow employees just can't stop making your life miserable.

Or you may report to an obnoxious boss who drives you on a daily basis, not so much for more production but just for the sake of driving you.

First of all beware of job stress. Studies have shown a relationship between having a stressful job and being overweight. So pressure at work may be giving you more than a tension headache. It may be making you fatter. Research has found that job stress can change the way your nervous system and endocrine system interact which results in weight gain. Work stress is also related to stress related binge eating. Considering the impact job stress can have on your health you will want to explore ways to decrease that stress or maybe even polish up your resume and start exploring other job possibilities.

Looking for a new job can be a stressful activity so you may want to consider dealing with the rude fellow employees and obnoxious boss. There is not much you can to about the existing financial condition. That will just have to play itself out.

You can first try and ignore your co-workers. Just do your job. If their bad behavior continues, you must let them know that it bothers you and if it doesn't stop immediately, you will take it to the higher ups. You are not getting along with these people anyway, it's time they started showing some respect for their co-workers.

Having a pain for a boss is a little different matter. You can just ignore him or her. Don't let his or her comments get to you. If you can't do that, you have to talk to him or her about it. If his or her behavior is really outside the norms of a management employee, they must know that the behavior stops today, now. Or you will go over their head the next day.!

Once you get your job situation under control, you have to drop the extra pounds the stress has added to your body over the length of your employment.

Have you ever heard of Calorie Shifting? It is the greatest thing to ever hit the weight loss industry. Calorie Shifting is as close to magic as you can get.

A diet program based on Calorie Shifting is the fastest and easiest way to lose weight. Have you ever starved yourself and didn't lose a pound? Or do you know anyone this has happened to? Our bodies detect a reduction in the amount of food we eat pretty fast. And once it does, it goes into the starvation prevention mode. Our bodies do not want to starve.

You know, that's very cool if we were starving. But it's not cool if we are trying to lose weight. Calorie Shifting fools our bodies turning us into fat burning furnaces. You just have to know what to eat, how much to eat and when to eat it. Yes, it can be that simple.

About the Author

Alex Winner is an expert on weight loss. She recommends calorie shifting as the best way to lose.Sign up for a free newsletter here:

Or, why waste time? Turn your body into a fat burning blast furnace now:

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Berceli TRE Exercises - Release Truamatic Stress in Youth Case Study TRE(Trauma Releasing Exercise) helps individuals release stress or tension as a result of difficult life circumstances, immediate or prolonged stressful situations, or traumatic life experiences. TRE is a set of six simple exercises that encourage and elicit shaking in a controlled and sustained manner. Evoked in this way, the neurogenic tremors release deep chronic muscular tension held within the body. Dr David Berceli Phd has pioneered TRE - Trauma Releasing Exercises, which although simple and painless, are specifically designed to release deep, chronic muscle contractions created by shock, stress or trauma. They evoke the natural most organic mechanisms of the body to dissolve chronic tension. By activating the body's natural shaking mechanism from this powerful center of the body where the defensive contraction began, the shaking can reverberate throughout the entire body looking for deep chronic tension in its path, naturally dissolving it. The uniqueness of TRE is that one follows seven simple steps to release the trauma tension pattern of the body; its natural restorative mechanism can then be immediately accessed and initiated. Once activated, the individual passively allows the shaking to extend through the body. As the tremors spread and intensify, the individual may feel the release of deep tension, the reduction of high levels of stress hormones and the restoration of the neuro processes from the instinctual limbic system of the ...

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