Wrinkle Reduction: Facial Massage That Works

Article by Tommy Engan

Wrinkle Reduction via self massage? It may sound too simple, but stick with me on this. A self-massage routine is easily added to your am and pm cleansing routine and can definitely cause wrinkle reduction if performed regularly.

It is very important to know how to do this, whether you are applying an anti aging skin cream, washing your face or massaging it - there IS a wrong way to do it and it may actually cause wrinkles.

How to: You always want to move from the center of your face outward and upward. Do this without stretching the skin - especially around your eyes. Work the skin above your eyes in an outward direction (move towards your temples). Likewise, work the skin under your eyes in an inward direction (gently move from the outward corner of your eyes toward your nose), using a very light touch.

Don't ever massage your face without using a moisturizer or oil (Jojoba oil is always great!)/ penetration of the powerful ingredients of my anti aging skin cream. I apply my favorite anti aging skin cream and massage as I apply it. That way, my face benefits from the massage, as well as from the deep penetration of the powerful ingredients of my anti aging skin cream.

In addition to its wrinkle reduction powers, facial massage is a good way to de-stress. Here is another way to massage your face: Put your fingertips at the center of your forehead and pull them firmly toward your temples. Next, press the point directly between your eyebrows firmly for 2-3 mins for deep relaxation and relief of stress.

Another point I want to share is the "Oh My God" point. Put both middle fingers about two inches above the center of each of your eyebrows (look in a mirror to approximate two inches). Press firmly. Deep-breathe. As you're exhaling slowly, tighten your belly button to your spine at the end of your exhale.

For more wrinkle reduction pointers, visit http://antiagingreviews.com

About the Author

Tommy Engan is a successful and passionate anti aging writer who specializes in wrinkle reduction. Start looking forward to a younger you - visit Tommy's favorite site on Wrinkle Reduction

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