Stress and Depression Reduction Techniques

Article by Steve Hill

I have suffered with both depression and stress in my life thus far. They both seemed to go hand in hand for me personally. Fortunately I have now learned how to handle these issues and am now able to live a happy and fulfilled life.

So what did I do to reduce and eventually eradicate the stress and depression? As I entered into my twenties I decided that I needed to change the way that I was living my life, I certainly could not continue to live in the way that I had been.

The causes of my anxieties were mainly due to the fact that I had a stutter. I stressed a great deal about this speech impediment and worried about the way in which other people thought of me. Stuttering impacted on my life in a big way and made life a lot harder from what it would have been had I been fluent.

I made the mistake of becoming envious and jealous of other people, people who were able to speak fluently. I would then start to feel depressed about things and about the fact that I was one of the unfortunate people who had a stutter.

At the age of twenty-two I started to read literature about stuttering, phobias, anxiety, stress and depression. I also attempted to overcome my own stutter.

I realised that I needed to start thinking in a more positive way, I needed to worry less about what other people thought of me, I needed to work very hard to achieve my goals and I needed to start appreciating what I had in life, rather than what I did not have.

This new attitude to life was very difficult to pull off as I had been a very negative person in the past. I was however determined to succeed and after around a year I had managed to overcome the stutter as well as my issues to do with stress and depression.

About the Author

Steve Hill is a webmaster from Birmingham, he has interests in a number of websites including:stuttering treatment,stuttering, andmanual article submission service

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

How does Islam guide us in managing stress?

This lecture on "How does Islam guide us in managing stress? by Professor Rafik Beekun and Dr. Tahar Salaat is a very short excerpt from the Islamic Management Series lectures which have been designed to help leaders of Muslim organizations become effective, Insha Allah. The series is on DVD covering 10 lectures based on the training workshops which Professor Rafik Beekun, University of Nevada, USA, has conducted globally with Islamic for profit and not for profit organizations and masajid. Each lecture was professionally filmed in front of a live Muslim audience, and the whole DVD set (10 DVDs) includes about 13 hours of lectures (with separate viewable slide show, and individually accessible modules) on the following topics: 1. Leadership from an Islamic Perspective Vol. 1. [2 modules: Defining leadership, and The Leader as Coach and Delegator] 2. Leadership from an Islamic Perspective Vol. 2. [2 modules: Leadership and Emotional Intelligence in Islam, and Developing effective leaders] 3. How Does Islam Guide Us in Managing Stress? [6 modules: What is stress? Three approaches to stress, Sources & effects of stress, Stress coping mechanisms, Islamic coping mechanisms, and Preventive stress management] 4. Managing Conflict in Islamic Organizations [6 modules: What is conflict? Conflict management, Levels of conflict and the conflict process, Conflict resolution techniques, Step-by-step process for resolving conflict, and Constructive functions of conflict] 5. Business ...

Video Rating: 4 / 5


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