High Blood Pressure Diagnosis and Reduction - The Role of Beta Blocking Drugs such as Lopressor

Article by Malcolm Waters


In my first article I looked at the terminology associated with High Blood Pressure and Heart Disease. I also examined the risk factors, and the dangerous consequences of unchecked high blood pressure (hypertension). This article explores how to find out if you may be prone to suffering from high blood pressure, and what you can do if you think you are likely to suffer from it in the future.

Is High Blood Pressure Hereditary ?

An important question to ask yourself if you think you may be suffering, or are likely to suffer from high blood pressure is 'Could I have been born with this condition plugged into my genes?' The answer to this Russian roulette question is unfortunately 'yes'. You may be completely innocent of any non hereditary factors, but you may be destined through birth to suffer from this condition. Amongst the many root causes of high blood pressure, the hereditary factor is a possibility which cannot be discounted by anyone. However most people have only one or two antecedent generations from which to gather historical information, so this makes it a difficult factor to predict.

What are the non hereditary factors ?

The non hereditary factors contributing to high blood pressure are usually caused primarily by the lifestyle of the individual, which can usually be controlled or altered once a diagnosis of hypertension has been made. Some of these so called 'lifestyle factors' include :-


Lack of physical exercise

High levels of sodium (salt) in the diet

Excessive alcohol consumption

Tobacco and cigarette use

High blood cholesterol due to diet


There are also some medical conditions which can also contribute to the condition including :-

Kidney Disease

Diabetes Meletis

What should I do if I am worried that I may have high blood pressure?

Without doubt, you should find out more. Because hypertension frequently does not produce observable symp! toms, yo u should take urgent steps to have some diagnostic testing done to determine what the state of your blood pressure really is. Many people make the unfortunate mistake of putting off the small amount of effort required to check out their coronary health. This compounds itself over many years, until suddenly the individual finds themself with a medical condition or emergency which could have been flagged up years earlier, and painless preventive treatment undertaken.

There are two ways to quickly and easily determine whether you have a problem with your blood pressure :-

Make an appointment with a physician (recommended)Purchase a self testing blood pressure monitor (either mechanical, or more likely electronic device)

It is always good practice to visit your Doctor if you have any questions about your general health or for specific information about blood pressure risk factors. However, there are many excellent affordable electronic blood pressure monitor devices which can be used in the first instance to give an early warning of potential problems.

Typically, these involve the use of an electronic device attached by a tube to a 'cuff' which attaches around the upper arm using a velcro strap. The user presses a button on the control unit, which in turn automatically inflates the cuff using air pressure to apply pressure to the arm. The resulting pulses produced by the heartbeat can be detected by the control unit to produce an accurate digital display of the user's blood pressure reading. The most recent units may also contain sophisticated memory functions to track and monitor the user's readings over many months or even years.

High Blood Pressure Treatment

Should you be unfortunate enough to be diagnosed with high blood pressure your Doctor may prescribe some form of heart medication. There are a plethora of potentially beneficial drugs available, many of which perform an excellent job in helping to reduce blood pressure. One very popular example of these is Lopres! sor.

Lopressor - How to Reduce your Heart related problems With Lopressor

Lopressor is a type of medication known as a beta-blocker. Typically beta blocking drugs are used to treat chest pain (angina) and high blood pressure. They can also help patients who have suffered from an acute heart attack, and have been shown to improve survival rates if taken for this condition. A program of high blood pressure reduction may reduce the chances of patients developing strokes, further heart attacks and kidney problems.

Malcolm Waters is a keen researcher of all aspects of heart health, care and treatment including Lopressor and runs a successful website dedicated to the prevention and improvement of the condition for the benefit of the visitor. For great free heart health tips, discount offers and more, see Malcolm's site at


About the Author

Malcolm is an electronics engineer by trade, with over 31 years of experience in the computer and telecommunications industry. Currently working as an engineering manager for a UK telecommunications company, Malcolm has developed a keen interest in all aspects of health and well-being since his father died in 2002 from heart failure.

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