How to Deal with Stress at Any Time of the Year

Article by Rob Parker

We live in one of the most stressful times in history. Today's focus on getting by and providing for a family as much as possible means that people are busier than ever before, with jobs, families, and a constant pressure to fit in with everyone else. Throw in the usual stresses caused by worry over things like global warming, terrorism, and so on, and you can see why today's population is stressed (many child therapists believe that today's millennial generation is the most stressed out group of adolescents ever to walk the planet, regardless of where they live!).

In such a culture, it is important to find ways in which you can deal with stress at any time. Vacation, of course, is the best way to downgrade the stress in your life, but that is not possible very often for most people. And really, in many cases a vacation may actually add to your stress level! Let's take a look at some ways that you can deal with your daily stresses regardless of the season or the proximity of your holidays.

Talk to someone about it regularly! There still seems to be a notion in today's society that people going to counsellors are somehow weak or deficient. Nothing could be further from the truth. What a counsellor or therapist offers to someone is a listening ear. Any person with stress can deal with it effectively by having someone who will listen to them, even without proposing a "solution". And it's always nice to hear other opinions on things!

Take advantage of proven relaxation measures. Going to a local spa or even a health club is a proven way to overcome stress in one's life. Massages, saunas, and exercise all help to relax the muscles, and this seems to alleviate pressure all through the central nervous system, leading to a general reduction of stress levels. You just have to make sure to partake in these activities regularly!

Eat correctly! Notice that we didn't say eat well. A good diet can greatly contribute to your body and mind's ability to deal with stresses in your life. Almo! st as important as what you eat is when you eat; you need to have a regular eating schedule, and remember that eating before you go to bed may affect your sleep, another critical factor in making sure you are stressed as little as possible!

We all have stresses in our daily lives, but there are ways of dealing with them no matter what time of year it is. Don't wait until your vacation is here to de-stress!

About the Author

New to the area and need a Psychologist? Kitchener residents rely on professionals and ask the right questions, that way they receive the treatment that's best suited to them.

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Genotoxic Stress Meets Mitochondria: Integrating Aging Mechanisms

Air date: Wednesday, September 14, 2011, 3:00:00 PM Timedisplayed is Eastern Time, Washington DC Local Category: Wednesday Afternoon Lectures Description: The study of human genetic disorders and mutant mouse models has provided evidence that genome maintenance mechanisms, DNA damage signaling and metabolic regulation cooperate to drive the ageing process. In particular, age-associated telomere damage, diminution of telomere 'capping' function and associated p53 activation have emerged as prime instigators of a functional decline of tissue stem cells and of mitochondrial dysfunction that adversely affect renewal and bioenergetic support in diverse tissues. Constructing a model of how telomeres, stem cells and mitochondria interact with key molecules governing genome integrity, 'stemness' and metabolism provides a framework for how diverse factors contribute to ageing and age-related disorders. Exploiting the experimental merits of the mouse, we have shown that telomere dysfunction activates p53-mediated cellular growth arrest, senescence and apoptosis to drive progressive atrophy and functional decline in high-turnover tissues. The broader adverse impact of telomere dysfunction across many tissues including more quiescent systems prompted transcriptomic network analyses to identify common mechanisms operative in haematopoietic stem cells, heart and liver. These unbiased studies revealed profound repression of PGC-1α and PGC-1β and the downstream network in mice null for ...

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