Stress, What It Is, How It Effects Our Bodies, And What To Do About It

Article by Mark Doyle

Stress, What it is, How it Effects our Bodies, and What to Do About It.

We live in stressful times, a recent poll shows that well over 80% of Americans say they feel the effects of stress. So what is it and how does it effect our bodies? Most importantly what can we do to combat the effects of stress in our lives?

Stress affects your body in various depleting ways. Your sympathetic nervous system becomes over stimulated which causes your body to react. Your body's production of key hormones such as cortisol, adrenaline and neurotransmitters become out of balance.

Your body responds to a perceived or real threat by keeping blood sugar levels high for quick energy. As a short-term solution to stress, this is not harmful. Chronic stress due to finical or family problems or a tendency to worry becomes a major problem. The consistently high blood sugar levels interfere with your body's ability to regulate glucose which increases your risk of developing type 2 diabetes and all the problems associated with it.

Chronic stress can cause a myriad of other health problems because it suppresses your immune system and leaves you vulnerable to any number of illnesses including hart disease and premature aging.

The brain is especially vulnerable to stress which can cause short-term memory loss and over a period of time, actual brain atrophy. It can cause mood swings, depression and anxiety. However, it is the mind which decides what is and is not stressful. Scientists have learned that it is the perception of stress rather than the duration or degree which ages cellular DNA.

This means it is something you can deal with to prevent the physical and mental problems before they do permanent damage. Many studies show it is how we look at the problems in our lives and our attitude about them determine how our bodies react.

There are a number of things you can do to cut down on stress in your life. Watching one news program after another as they mound the bad news on is one sur! e way to be stressed out. Getting up turning off the television and take a nice walk will provide an refreshing reduction of stress. Many people say praying is a good way to reduce stress.

It has been clinically proven that a good laugh is a good way to combat the effects of stress. So watch a funny stand up comic on the internet or go to a comedy club. One of the best ways to reduce stress is the old practical joke. Just as the medics at the 4077 mash did in the popular television show. Funny gifts are a great idea for your stressed out friend or co-worker.

These are indeed stressful times we hope you take a moment and have a good laugh. You will feel better and things won't look so bad after all.

About the Author

Mark Doyle is a professional comic, and public speaker, he's owned a comedy club and now owns one of the top stand up comedy site's Offers free stand up comedy videos from the funniest comedy club headliners working today. With hours of free stand up comedy and funny gifts it is a great site for some laughs! Check it out.

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