The Best Exercises For Cellulite Reduction

Article by Jenifer

In dealing with the ongoing battle of cellulite, it has been found that a lifestyle change needs to occur in order prevent, and or treat this genetic struggle. The ingredients of that lifestyle change includes, diet, treatment options, exercise, and your mind. The best exercises for cellulite reduction include squats, lunges, and isometric exercises.

Squats can be performed by standing with your legs a bit wider than your shoulders. Keeping your gaze forward, you then lift your shoulders up, back, and around sticking your chest out. Gently contract your abdomen to straighten out the spine and then bend your knees slowly as if you were going to sit in a chair. As you lower your body, do this in a slow count of four, making sure that your knees do not go past your toes. Slowly begin to straighten back into a standing position and then start again.

Lunges are performed by beginning in a standing position. Take a step back so that your feet are staggered. Take your front foot and lift your back heel so that the weight is pressed into the ball of the back foot. On the slow count of four, gently allow both knees to bend making sure that your knee doesn't go past your toes. Again, on the slow count of four begin to raise your body in a standing position, contracting the muscles in your backside, and hamstrings.

Isometric exercises are exercises that contract the muscle, but don't go through any range of motion. These exercises can be performed in a standing position. These exercises are good because you can target areas that have cellulite, and are problem-some. These exercises are namely good for your backside hips and thighs. Begin by standing with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Contract the muscles on your backside, hips, and thighs, making sure that your pelvis is shifted slightly forward with your abdomen contracted towards your lower back. Hold this position for thirty seconds while breathing through your nose. Next, shift your pelvis back, sticking your backside ! out whil e contracting all your muscles, again, holding for thirty seconds and breathing through your nose. Lastly, bend your body as if you were going to sit in a chair and contract the muscles again for thirty seconds while breathing through your nose.

Another great isometric exercise you can use for cellulite reduction is to lay flat on your back, arms at your sides, placing your legs in a chair. Lift your whole body up from below your shoulders. Try to have your lower body take the weight without too much stress on your arms. Slowly lift one leg for a count of ten seconds, and then lower your leg for a count of ten seconds. Switch legs and do the same making sure that your abdomen is contracted while you do this.

As with any exercise used for cellulite reduction, make sure that you talk to your physician before beginning any form of exercise to ensure that you are careful to not injure other parts of the body, and that you get the most out of the exercise regime you decide to try.

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About the Author

Please,visit Cellulite Talk for more information

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