
Showing posts from January, 2012

People-Pleasers Eat More at Parties

CREDIT: Drinking photo via Shutterstock People who strive to keep other people happy may eat too much in social situations, a new study says. In the study, people-pleasers were more likely to try to match the eating of their peers, and ate more to make others feel comfortable, compared with people less bent on making others happy. "People-pleasers feel more intense pressure to eat when they believe that their eating will help another person feel more comfortable," said study researcher Julie Exline, a psychologist at Case Western Reserve Universtiy in Cleveland. "Almost everyone has been in a situation in which they've felt this pressure, but people-pleasers seem especially sensitive to it," Exline said. The study involved about 100 college students who completed a questionnaire that assessed characteristics of people-pleasing, a personality trait also known as "sociotropy." Students who scored high in people-pleasing were those who said t

The wonders of meditation CD

by thekellyscope Article by Jonathan Finch Prepare for 2012: Meditations & Teachings For Golden Age Learn More: Prepare For 2012 Light Body Events: More Videos: Prepare for 2012: Teachings and Meditations for Golden Age Dr. Pillai Reveals that 2012 is the transition period for the Golden Age. He has designed a roadmap to guide his worldwide community of students to take advantage of this most important time for evolution. This includes a series of 3 Webcasts, available on Demand, for immediate replay. Webcast: Karma Removal (first shown December 3, available on-demand) Learn how to transcend time and bypass karma. Webcast: Instantaneous Manifestation (first shown December 10, available on-demand) Learn how to attract wealth within a short span. Webcast: Positive Self-Esteem and Leadership (revealed December 17, available on-demand) Learn how to cultivate inner and o

How to Prevent iPad Shoulder Pain

CREDIT: Tablet photo via Shutterstock If your shoulder hurts after using your tablet, you may be able to ease the discomfort by changing how you hold the device, a new study shows. Compared with users of desktop computers, tablet users are more likey to sit in a flexed posture — which can lead to neck and shoulder discomfort — because of the low angle at which people tend to hold their head and neck while viewing a tablet's screen, the researchers said. Placing the tablet on a higher surface, such as on a table rather than on your lap, will improve your posture, according to the study, which was conducted by researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health, the Microsoft Corporation and Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. In the study, 15 experienced tablet users completed a series of tasks using two media tablets — the Apple iPad2 and the Motorola Xoom. Each tablet had a case that could be adjusted to tilt it, or prop it up. The participants used the tablet


by latrippi Article by Dr. Scott Brown, Ph.D. Alan Watts - Teachings on Meditation - Zen Laughing [10/10] A clearing house of speeches, readings, audio recordings of one Alan Watts and his ideas, views, understandings. [orig. sound source: lordtarantula] Video Rating: 5 / 5

Universe may not be eternal, but existence is

Believers in God who follow modern science will be heartened by a recent article in New Scientist , "Why physicists can't avoid a creation event."  While many of us may be OK with the idea of the big bang simply starting everything, physicists, including Hawking, tend to shy away from cosmic genesis. "A point of creation would be a place where science broke down. One would have to appeal to religion and the hand of God," Hawking told the meeting, at the University of Cambridge, in a pre-recorded speech. For a while it looked like it might be possible to dodge this problem, by relying on models such as an eternally inflating or cyclic universe, both of which seemed to continue infinitely in the past as well as the future. Perhaps surprisingly, these were also both compatible with the big bang, the idea that the universe most likely burst forth from an extremely dense, hot state about 13.7 billion years ago. However, as cosmologist Alexander Vilenkin of Tufts

Rules To Keep In Mind While Camping out at Caravan Parks Perth

by Ron Sombilon Gallery Article by Mary Schroeder Australia is called the world's littlest continent and at the same time, it also is the sixth largest country. This really urbanized country is famous for its big metropolitan areas for example Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Perth. Besides excellent seashores and large deserts, you will find destinations that entice family members to be somewhere and explore. One of such places to visit will be the very best caravan parks Australia can offer. There are many caravan parks everywhere. These parks let Australians to indulge in their particular favourite pastime-camping. In every district, you'll discover various parks to choose from. If you are planning to vacation in West Australia, Perth is a wonderful area to visit. When you're here camping out, get ready to enjoy the very cool breeze emanating from the near Indian Seas. This is the reason caravan parks Perth certainly are a

Do you know how to be happy?

The pursuit of happiness. Everybody is doing it, but many do not know where to find it. It remains elusive. We may not even agree about the definition. Is it having success and recognition on your job? Or is it having expensive things such as expensive cars and homes? Studies have shown that the happiest people are not those that have the most "things" and the most money. People who are recognized on their jobs are certainly happier than those who are not but it is not the final answer. Many people do not understand that they are responsible for their own happiness. Someone else cannot make you happy. Things and people around you cannot cause your happiness or misery. It all depends on how you decide to respond to them, it is your decision whether or not you choose to be happy. Happiness does not come from outside but comes from inside each one of us. The good news is that we all have the capacity. Some tips for happiness are: 1. Adopt an attitude of gratitude: Make a

Mind Power Mp3 Review: Meditation Download for Brain Entrainment

by Ron Sombilon Gallery Article by Danny Bauman Brainwave Generator, Brain Entrainment and Hypnosis Downloads are great technologies with which we can train our brain. We can make our brain function at its full potential. These are the recorded programs of various musical tones and rhythms or a cycle of hypnotic suggestions. Working of all these programs is to a great extent quite similar to one another. They will train your brain up to a particularly designed frequency level. With all downloads you can turn yourself into an induced state of altered consciousness. You can use them for many purposes. They can be used for entertainment, conversation and therapy. With hypnosis downloads you become highly suggestible to what the hypnotherapist says. It works in a real effective manner. You can also lose weight along with many other targets to achieve with their help. What all the brainwave generator, brain entrainment and hypnosis downloads

TS: Living Realization: An Interview with Scott Kiloby

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:04:10 — 73.4MB) Are you suffering and seeking relief? Is your life dominated by what Eckhart Tolle calls the Pain Body? Are you unable to find fulfillment no matter where you go or what you do? Do you seek inner peace and love and compassion for others? In this episode, Greg interviews Scott Kiloby, who shares his special approach to realizing presence, awareness, and inner joy. In this episode of the Living With Tolle Podcast, we continue our search for teachings that enhance our understanding of Eckhart Tolle and invite us to experience the Power of Now. Greg interviews Scott Kiloby , who explains that freedom is available and actually contained in your very presence. Inspired by Eckhart Tolle and other non-duality teachers, Scott shares his special approach to realizing presence, awareness, and inner joy. Just as Eckhart invites us to practice witnessing the pain body and the circumstances of the present moment, Scott also ex

Spiritual Jewellery

by Ralph Buckley Article by Pooja Lapasia Spirit Science 6 - Flower of Life Hidden deep within our past, lies a secret that has been long forgotten. There have been various organizations throughout history that have protected its secret, The Masons for example have done just that. What are we talking about? It's the ancient secret of the Flower of Life. Twitter - @spiritsciences Facebook - Sources and Links The Flower of Life books Spiral of Light - Video Rating: 4 / 5

Many Repeat Breast Cancer Surgeries Could Be Unnecessary

CREDIT: Dreamstime One out of every four women who undergo breast-conserving surgery to remove breast cancer will be called back for more surgery, a new study finds. Moreover, the chance that a woman will have additional surgery varies greatly depending on where she gets it done and the surgeon that performs it, the researchers said. This suggests that some of these surgeries are unnecessary. Because each surgery takes a physical, psychological and economic toll on patients and affects the course of cancer therapy, doctors need to come to better agreement on which patients require additional surgery and which do not, said study researcher Dr. Laurence McCahill, a surgeon at Michigan State University. The study will be published tomorrow (Feb. 1) in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Breast-saving surgery About 60 to 75 percent of breast cancer patients undergo a partial mastectomy, which aims at conserving as much breast tissue as possible while still remov

Best Tension Reduction Treatments That Help To Achieve Relaxation

by Ron Sombilon Gallery Article by Edyta Many are in search of stress reduction treatment methods that promise effectiveness. They want something that can be simply and effortlessly performed. That it is better if all these natural treatments for stress and anxiety relief are performed independently and without the use of specific products. Here are a few methods may offer stress relief and can be pleasant to complete. 1.Exercise sessions Just a few men and women are conscious that exercises supply healthy stress and anxiety reduction. According to certain scientific studies, physical exercises permit greater adaptation to stress. Not only will it help handle current stress and anxiety, what's more, it helps a person within dealing with future stress. Even the body's immune system increases with physical activity. Feel-good hormones are released in the entire body throughout workouts. In addition, it behaves as a good diversion f

BJ's Recalls LED Flashlight Sets

CREDIT: CPSC The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with BJ's Wholesale Club Inc., of Westborough, Mass., has recalled about 41,000 LED Flashlight and Battery Set. Hazard: The flashlights can heat up, smoke or melt when turned on, posing fire and burn hazards. Incidents/Injuries: BJ's has received two reports of incidents with the flashlights, including one unit overheating and one unit burning and making a loud noise. One minor injury to a consumer's hand has been reported. Description: The recall involves Superex SAFETO GO LED flashlight and battery sets. The flashlight sets include one 9.5-inch flashlight with 10 LEDs, two 7.5-inch flashlights with seven LEDs and two 6-inch flashlights with five LEDs. The sets also include seven "D" size batteries and four "AA" size batteries. The flashlights in the sets are made of either red or black plastic with black or gray rubber around the handles and light bases. The

The power of the subconscious mind

by ConnectIrmeli Article by Anthony Hosking For many years now it has been widely accepted that we all have two states of mind, the conscious and the sub-conscious. While these two states of mind are similar, in real life they are worlds apart. Take the simple everyday things that we do without even giving them a thought. Things like breathing, walking, talking and the beating of our hearts, are all handled by the sub-conscious mind. The conscious mind deals with the everyday decisions that we make each day, we use it keep up with the world and what's going on around us.The sub-conscious mind has been likened to a bicycle and a Mack truck, both means of transport but so totally different. While the conscious mind has a great deal to do so we think, the sub-conscious takes all it's load in its stride. The latter being so powerful you would think it would be the best to work with, however in reality it is very hard to work with. Th

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 1/31/2012

"Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule." ~The Buddha Technorati Tags: Buddha Buddhist Buddhism Meditation Dharma Read More @ Source Rare Jade Buddha Statue Display at Escondido, CA In 2000, a gem-mining company discovered the largest boulder of a gem-quality jade, called polar jade, south of the Yukon border. When miners cut open the boulder to haul it down a mountain, they found a virtually flawless, translucent green stone that became known as Polar Pride. An internationally known gemologist said it was perhaps the find of the millennium. In 2003, Ian Green, chairman of The Great Stupa of Universal Compassion, an Australian Buddhist organization, heard of the boulder and embarked on a long journey to raise money to buy it and carve a Buddha statue. The sculpting was done in Thailands oldest jade factory, which made four prototypes in clay and fiberglass. When the final one was approved by