The True Power of the Mind

Article by Richard Onebamoi

The true power of the mind, extraordinary as it is many are yet to enjoy its potential and possibilities. Understanding the true power of the mind is critical to your personal and professional success. Mahatma Ghandi observed, "A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes." With the thoughts, you hold in your mind, you will initiate a sequence of actions or inactions that will lead to the actualization of the contents of the thought, whether these thoughts are empowering or disempowering.

The reality is the state of your mind determines the state of your life, the condition of your life and your thoughts hold the key to what you achieve and do not achieve. Consequently, self-improvement must begin with the enlargement of your mind through the acquisition of information, training and nourishing it with positive mental diets, such as reading books that are uplifting, meditation or joining a mastermind group in order to produce thoughts that are in harmony with your core values, goals and objectives.

"You have powers you never dreamed of. You can do things you never thought you could do. There are no limitations in what you can do except the limitations of your own mind" Darwin P. Kingsley. The reason most people are not successful right now is because of the condition of their minds and the limitation placed on it. There are clutters in the mind that are hindering progress of any activity embarked on. Your ability to progress is highly impacted if your mind is incapacitated in any shape or form. Therefore, it is crucial that your mind is uncluttered from these things causing it to be unproductive.

Success in any enterprise is a product of the right use of the mind. Your mind is one single factor that determines your value in life and your relevance to your world Napoleon Hill observed, "What the mind of man can conceive and believe, he can achieve." The mind serves like an incubator and whatever that you sow into it can reproduce. In order to be successful t! he mind has to conceive plus you have to believe that it is possible to achieve whatever it is that you have conceived. This is the reason why it is imperative to feed the mind with materials that will enhance the mind to a positive conception to the levels of possibilities.

I want you to understand that through appropriate use of your mind you can produce outstanding changes you desire in your life, for, "as he thinks in his heart so is he." Begin today the results will be immeasurable. Please, feel free to share your thoughts.

About the Author

Richard Onebamoi is a pastor, international and multi-giftedmotivational speaker, author, success facilitator, and empoweringpeople to unlock the power to succeed. And now I would like to inviteyou to signup for his free monthly newsletter: href="">SuccessEmpowerment Newsletter

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