Approaching Buddhahood

For the sake of discussion, let's assume that some great Lama or Spiritual Consciousness is able to empower you. All of a sudden the Mind or Buddha-nature that was hidden by your desires comes out in almost full force. The bliss is overwhelming. But then three days later it all goes away. You're depressed. You want to know what happened. Well, the answer is easy. You still have too much desire for the material world. Such desire is like a dark cloud that eventually, in a matter of days, hides the great sun of the Buddha-nature. This desire, I should mention, is just the habit of chasing after Mind's phenomenalizations strongly believing that they are other than illusory.

The lesson I wish to impart here is that even with bodhicittotpada (the emergence of the mind that is bodhi) or the same, Bodhi Mind, there are still a lot of bad habits we have to jettison. However, the more we set them aside, the more outshining will be Mind and its power. When pure Mind is such that it is more than our desires for anything of the material world, including our clinging to the psychophysical body, we are approaching Buddhahood.

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Ven. Rahula - Yoga: Good Meditation Posture

Yoga demonstration of what to pay attention to to develop good meditation posture. For more detail, download Venerable's book 'The Body/Mind Connection' for free at Also download Ven. Rahula's autobiography 'One Night's Shelter' for free at

Video Rating: 4 / 5


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