Your Mind Creates Everything

Article by John Duffey

Your mind is the mechanism that brings into your life everything you first created in your mind. It is your ability to use your mind to imagine and visualise what you want that determines how quickly and accurately you bring into existence your desires and goals.

Everything you see around you, absolutely everything, was first created in some ones mind. Even the Universe was first conceived and created in the mind of the Creator God. All the houses, cars, parks and gardens and electrical goods, were all conceived and created in the mind of some one.

It is how you plan, imagine, visualise and create in your mind that determines how accurately you bring into existence what you desire to come about.

Much of what comes into your life, whether good or bad, arrived because you activated the primal law of creation, which is known as the Law of Attraction. Immediately you begin to plan and desire something, the Law of Attraction begins to bring you what you want. It attracts to you all the new related thoughts that support your plan, it brings the people you need at the right time and the inspiring ideas that come out of the 'Blue' help you achieve what you have planned. By some spiritual mechanism your plan or desire begins to materialise. Your mind is the spirit link to activating the Law of Attraction and your mind is also your spirit link with the Creator.

Like Attracts Like... this is the Law of Attraction in action. Like attracts like is the key to understanding how bad things happen just as easily as good things happen!

If you use your mind in anger, hatred or jealousy this emotion is picked up instantly by the Law of Attraction. And just like the pulling power of the Law of Gravity, what you conceived in your mind come right at you. If you keep thinking thoughts of anger, lack or impossibility - that is what you get.

Now you will begin to understand why anger and racial hatred is fuelling the Middle East crisis. While ever those people keep focussing on hatred a! nd anger that is what they are creating more of.

It behoves everyone to stop focussing on racial hatreds and fear and anger in all its forms, and deliberately change ones thoughts to imagining and visualising being happy, friendly and successful. Just this one step will begin removing the fear and hatreds around one and world conditions will improve.

It is a matter of using ones mind to deliberately change ones thoughts and visualise more pleasant life experiences. And then that is what you get. Powerful imaging and visualising of what you want to see materialise in your daily life is the answer to all successful outcomes in your life.

To create a success business is simply a matter of strongly imaging and visualising the preferred outcomes you are looking for. Visualise vividly, like seeing a movie on the screen of your mind, the huge numbers of customers coming into your business and buying your products. Visualise how big you want the business to grow. Visualise how big you want your income to be. Write this whole plan down, then every day bring the images and visualising of your plan to mind. The idea is to keep this plan to the forefront of your subconscious mind until it accepts the idea and acts on it by activating the Law of Attraction.

If you don't think you can visualise, do you know what a red apple looks like? Your mind just visualised an apple instantly and you saw it on the screen of your mind. Practice imagining what an apple looks like and then turn it around in your mind and look for the core. What does a pink poodle look like? You can easily create in your mind what you want.

I have found the Law of Attraction works brilliantly with creating an Internet Business. The linking principles involved with the worldwide web seem to mirror how the mind links with the Law of Attraction and brings into being what you desire quite quickly.

About the Author

John Duffey writes on a variety of subjects. To learn more about this topic John recommends you visit his site and look for his Blog link on


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